When viewing the list of products below you may be confused about the addition of some TDR products. The TDR Products are about 140 Calories each whereas the non TDR are about 200 Calories each. TDR products are meant to be used exclusively for Sole Source programmes. (3 a day or, 4 a day if over 5’8” tall & men): -
TDR = Total Diet Replacement

The 200 Calorie Non-TDR range are used for the following programmes : -

It is therefore possible to do Sole source using either TDR products OR the 200 Calorie Range. Higher programmes require non-TDR products. (www.one2onediet.com/the-steps)
So what's the difference you might ask?
--- The main difference is that TDR range have a lower carbohydrate content. So for someone who struggles to not feel hungry all of the time, they are the way to go. There are other differences too, but non that you would notice.
So how many do I need?
--- The graphics above dictate how many CWP Products you need each day. You should aim to have 7 - 8 days worth at each order, although experienced users can order upto 4 weeks at a time if they wish.
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