2:1 Coaching Container
Hi powerful soul. Welcome to this personal and intimate space. You're here because you're ready to claim your expansion & you know that we can support you embodying and integrating that. So we wanna get to know you. Our 2:1 container is a vortex that will expand your edges, inspire authentic expression, vulnerability, and help you to shine light on your shadows to live in your embodied truth. Ready to dive in?
First Name
Last Name
Please share your, Date, Time & Place of birth (if known)
Where in the world are you currently based/living?
What's your experience with coaching? (giving and receiving):
What's Alive: For what purpose are you really here? What is calling you into 2:1 mentorship now, at this time in your life? Why does this feel important to you?
How do you desire to grow? What are your dreams?
What challenges are currently alive for you? Is there anywhere you are feeling blocked, restricted, or out of control?
What is your current relationship status? And please share about any desires you might have in this area of your life.
Tell us about your work / business and any expansion you would like to have in this area?
What does your most liberated self look/feel like?
What do you feel is possible from us working together? Aka what's the vibe you feel in your body?
This is an intimate, high touch coaching container (multiple-four-figure investment) specifically designed to expand your edges & initiate your inner power. Please share about your current relationship with abundance consciousness. Are you ready & willing to invest financially in yourself right now?
Tune in: Take a breath & feel into your body, this is a deep commitment to show up for yourself. Are you ready to fully dive in & invest your time/energy in your spiritual journey and take the necessary action for your personal growth & transformation now?
Do you have any underlying health / mental health conditions?
If YES, please list below.
What would have happened by the end of our mentorship for it to have been the best investment ever?
Is there anything else you would like to share to support us in better understanding you and your desires?
I understand that the practitioner(s) is not attempting to practice medicine, psychology, or any other profession requiring a license. Furthermore I understand my investment / purchase is non-refundable. If you are using a payment plan, you are obligated to pay every month, whether you complete the content within, or not.The results you experience will come from your own effort and motivation. You agree to be 100% committed and responsible for yourself and your experience.
Yes, I understand.
(Note: Everything you share in this from will held in confidentiality.) I understand that my anonymity will be protected and that all of my responses will be kept confidential.
Yes, I understand.
Should be Empty: