Isotretinoin Therapy
Terms, Conditions, and Consent Form
Please read this document carefully before starting your Isotretinoin therapy with us. By signing below, you confirm that you understand and agree to the terms, conditions, and consent requirements outlined herein, which are designed to ensure the safe, efficient, and effective management of your treatment.
1. Treatment Adherence and Progress
Isotretinoin therapy requires adherence to the prescribed dosage schedule to achieve the target cumulative dose within the specified Days Under Care (DUC).
- Treatment Extension: You may take up to 10% longer than the quoted DUC without incurring additional charges. If deviations such as taking less than the prescribed dosage, pausing treatment, or other non-compliant actions result in exceeding the allowed 10% extension, additional charges will apply. These charges will cover extra appointments, administrative costs, and the continued time under care.
2. Patient Compliance
Your compliance is critical to the success and safety of your treatment. This includes:
- Booking and attending scheduled appointments
- Completing required blood tests
- Providing photographic evidence of pregnancy tests (where applicable)
- Acknowledging dosage advice promptly
- Non-Response Policy: If you fail to respond to our communications after three documented attempts requesting your response, we reserve the right to discontinue your treatment and discharge you from our care without a refund.
3. Communication and Address Updates
You are responsible for keeping your contact information, including your postal address, email address and phone number, current and up to date.
- Address Changes: If you change your address, you must notify us immediately. Failure to do so may result in medication, postal kits, or skincare products being sent to the wrong address. In such cases, a replacement fee will be charged to resend any items delivered to an incorrect address due to outdated information.
4. Refund Policy
There are no refunds once treatment has commenced. This policy includes, but is not limited to, situations where treatment is extended due to patient non-compliance or pausing of treatment initiated by the patient. Payment plans must be completed in full, even if the patient abandons treatment for any reason.
5. Consent to Treatment and Understanding of Risks
- I confirm that the Specialist has provided me with sufficient information to understand the treatment, including its approved indications, contraindications, and potential undesirable effects.
- I have been given the opportunity to ask all questions regarding the treatment, and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.
- I have provided accurate and complete information in my medical history to the best of my ability.
- I understand that Isotretinoin treatment can have serious side effects, which have been explained to me. Once I begin treatment, I commit to completing the course unless discharged earlier for medical reasons.
6. Use of Photographs
- I consent to the storage of my photographs for diagnostic purposes and to enhance medical records. These photographs will remain the property of TreatDirect. I consent to their use in medical, scientific, or other publications and presentations, as well as marketing and website information, with respect to my patient confidentiality.
7. Acknowledgement of Risks and Limitations
- I understand the risks and possible consequences involved in the treatment, and I acknowledge that no warranty or guarantee has been made regarding the results or cure. I recognise that dermatology is not an exact science and that reputable specialists cannot guarantee specific outcomes.
- I hereby authorise the Specialist to administer treatment and agree to hold them free and harmless from any claims or suits for damages arising from any injury or complications that may result from this treatment.
By signing below, I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions, and that I consent to the treatment as outlined above.