A lot is happening in the PMD community, and it's not all here at IAPMD. Folks around the world are hosting events and webinars, launching creative projects, running research studies, and learning more about premenstrual disorders every day. We want to spread the word!
That's why we've created Sparks, the virtual PMD community bulletin board. You can submit events, webinars, livestreams, products, programs, projects, resources, studies, & more! Anything you or your business/organization is doing to support people with PMDs. These opportunities can be paid or free, virtual or in-person. As an evidence-based organization, we can't guarantee we'll be able to share every opportunity, however, we acknowledge that the base of evidence when it comes to PMDs is pretty slim, so we have an open mind to novel approaches.
Submit your opportunity below, and please allow 1-2 weeks to hear if it has been accepted and posted on the bulletin board. If accepted, you're also invited to make a tax-deductible donation to have your opportunity featured in our monthly newsletter and on social media.