Meals on Wheels Referral Form
This is a chargeable service – meals must be paid for. If you/your client is worried about being able to pay for meals, you/they can contact the Prevention Assessment Team (PAT) at West Sussex County Council on 0330 2224222 or for information and advice about financial support.
Hot meal + soup OR dessert price: £8.99
Extra (third course) soup or dessert: £1.59
Tea Pack (Sandwich; plus a snack; plus a dessert): £4.40
You can only order a Tea Pack if you are also having a hot meal. These packs arrive cold and ready to eat the same day. Prices are valid as at 01.10.23 and are subject to annual pricing reviews.
Meals are delivered between 11.00am and 2.00pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We can deliver to any address in West Sussex and all our prices include delivery and a friendly, caring welfare check.
Provision of personal data: we cannot provide a service without a minimum amount of personal information. These sections of the form are mandatory on this form. Please ensure that you have the client’s permission to share their data, if you are completing the form on their behalf. Please see our full privacy statement at the end of this form, on our website, or give us a call on the number above.
Before you start
You can save the form at any time and return to it later by clicking the save button at the end of each page. If you do not want to create an account, you can skip this and either copy the link to your form, or provide an email address to receive a link to your draft form. Remember to click submit once you have completed the form.
If you have any issues completing this form, please email: