This application is quite extensive as we want to make sure that we have a lot of information about you prior to interview. Please do not be scared off by the questions, everyone will be interviewed and, even though you aren't teens, we want to make sure that we give you every opportunity to gain new skills and experiences as Bogrim.
Camp - 27th July - 6th August 2025
Deadline for applications - Friday 24th January, 4pm
Interviews - W/C 3rd February
Meetings - TBC
Pre-Camp - Sunday 20th - Friday 25th July 2025 - Bogrim training dates include printing, resource organising, and van loading, as well as any final programme preparations. If you are unable to make these dates then you must let us know on this form. The first few days will be spent at BBYO HQ, and the last few days will be taking place on site. Bogrim training is mandatory for all Bogrim unless otherwise discussed with BBYO HQ, if you do not tell us that you are unable to make any dates now then you may be removed from the Tzevet at a later date.
Post-Camp - 7th August 2025 - The Roshim and Tzevet are expected to help unload the van and ensure that everything is packed away neatly for our next residential event.
Post-Camp Drinks - 8th or 9th August 2025 - The Wellington in Borehamwood - TBC