International Student Registration Form
If you are a UK student, please click here.
To fill in this form you will need to submit:
Biological Parent/Legal Guardian 1 details:
Biological Parent/Legal Guardian 2 details:
If the student is no longer in contact with biological parent 2, please provide an additional contact.
If your child has a diagnosis of any of the following this must be declared on the registration form, failure to do so may impact on the process of this application.
We agree to accept the School’s Standard Terms and Conditions. The non-returnable registration fee of £120.00 (day student) or £250.00 (boarding student) payable to Rossall School is enclosed. We certify that the above named student has not been dismissed or removed from any School or college on account of misconduct. We understand that registration does not constitute the offer of a place at the School.
Registration Fee - This is in addition to the tuition fees and is non-refundable.
Organisations submitting this form on behalf of the parents should complete the section below:
We confirm that the information supplied is true, to the best of our knowledge and that we have explained the above requirements regarding notice of withdrawal, to the parents.
Please click the 'submit' button below, to submit your application to Rossall.
Registered Charity No. 526685 Authorised to sign on behalf of the above organisation
Please click the button below to submit your application.
If you would like to pay the registration fee later, please leave card details blank and press submit.