*Donation of HK$100 or above will be issued a donation receipt for tax deduction. Minimum credit card donation amount is HK$20. Click here to learn about other donation methods.*捐款HK$100或以上方會獲發免稅收據。信用卡最低捐款額為港幣$20。請按此了解其他捐款方式。
Donor Information 捐款者資料
若以公司/機構名義捐款請於此填寫聯絡人資料,再於下頁填寫收據抬頭的資料。For donation made under a company/organisation name, please provide the contact person's details here, and the required name on receipt on the next page.
Previous Donor 過往捐款者
A confirmation email will be sent to you after completion. Please also check your junk mailbox.捐款完成後,我們會向您發送一封確認電郵,請同時查閱您的「垃圾郵箱」。
Enquiry 查詢 | +852 2392 2569 / donation@acsvaw.org