Donor Information 捐款者資料
Donation Details 捐款詳情
Donation of HK$100 or above is deductible against Hong Kong taxes. The minimum amount for monthly donation is HK$50.捐款達港幣$100或以上可申請退回香港稅項。按月捐款之最低金額為港幣$50。
⚠️The minimum amount for monthly donation is HK$50按月捐款之最低金額為港幣$50。
Electonic Receipt 電子收據
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* Receipt of the donation made through monthly donation in a financial year is issued in the following April. Please contact for further enquires. * 按月捐款之正式收據總覽會於相關財政年度緊接的四月發出。如有任何查詢,請聯絡。
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