Students can access Remote Learning through Cloud, the Virtual Learning Environment. This can be accessed through the following link:
About Cloud
Students can find their courses on Cloud click the My Courses option in the top menu.
Tutors will be putting on resources and work for students to complete on their course.
When its time to submit their work, tutors will place submission activities such as a Turnitin Submission or Assignment Submission to allow students to upload and submit their work for marking.
Students will receive feedback from your tutor digitally either through email (to the student email address) or in the submission box.
To check college email click the Email icon on the Cloud homepage.
Every course is different so look for guidance on each Cloud course. We have put together a "Support for students" area on Cloud to provide guides and videos to make each task easier for students.
Not able to login?
If the student is unable to login to Cloud, please use this form to request a password reset by selecting "Student" on the first page, and then "Logging onto Cloud (Password Reset).
If the query regards something other than technical support please contact the relevant college staff team for further assistance.
You can find key college contacts on the following webpage:
If this infomation doesnt answer your question please click Next below to raise a technical support ticket.