What is the importance of human resource management

What is the importance of human resource management

The human resources department plays a critical role in ensuring employees are engaged, fulfilled, and performing to the best of their abilities. No matter the organization’s industry or size, a dedicated human resources staffer or department is key to ensuring its employees — often called a business’s greatest asset — are thriving. 

The primary functions of human resource management are directly tied to the welfare of the company’s personnel and its overall goals.

Helping achieve the organization’s strategic goals

Human resource management helps the organization achieve its short- and long-term objectives by aligning with the overall business strategy. For example, if a business wants to grow its sales department of 60 people by 50 percent over the next three years, HR can create a plan to hire 20 new sales reps each year to achieve that goal. 

Reviewing current and future business demands is a critical component of human resource management. Through effective employee recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, and reward structures, HR can support the company in reaching its many targets.

Pro Tip

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Advocating for employees

The importance of human resource management is evident in the role it plays managing employee relationships. In any workplace, there are bound to be conflicts, disagreements, miscommunication, and resentment. Even if employees get along with each other, it’s natural for tension to occur from time to time. 

Human resources personnel often take a lead role in advocating for employees to ensure they are heard by management and team members. Their skills in conflict resolution and negotiation help ensure all employees can work together effectively. Depending on the situation and the company’s needs, HR may play the role of mediator, coach, or advocate.

Equipping employees with training and resources

To get the most value from its employees, the company must provide them with the training, knowledge, and resources to do their jobs effectively. One of the most important functions of human resource management is developing the skills and expertise of its people. This can include setting up training sessions, facilitating workshops, and acquiring new equipment or technology. 

In fact, an HR department should offer training and professional development throughout employees’ tenure at the organization. When employees have the resources to do their jobs well, they are better positioned to help the company reach its goals.

Creating a positive organizational culture

The culture of an organization stems from its mission, vision, and values. While company leadership typically creates these elements, human resource management is responsible for bringing them to life in the workplace. 

There are many ways to establish a positive organizational culture, such as offering competitive salaries, tangible benefits like health insurance, and intangible benefits like camaraderie and friendship. Human resource management is critical to establishing a workplace culture that encourages employees to do their best work and reach their full potential.

Meeting compliance regulations

Human resource management takes a lead role in making sure the company abides by all industry and governmental employment laws. This may include filing the necessary paperwork for eligible employees and overseeing employee hours based on regulations. 

Workplace safety and risk management are also part of compliance, and HR may perform regular audits to determine if the work environment is safe. Audits help minimize liability issues, protect employees from hazardous conditions, and protect the employer from unfair allegations.

The importance of human resource management is apparent in all areas of the organization. From helping the company reach its overall objectives to creating an innovative culture to ensuring everyone is safe, human resource management is an integral part of any business.

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