Richten Sie Ihre KI so ein, dass sie Websites nach bestimmten Inhalten durchsucht. Egal, ob Sie die neuesten Nachrichten, Produktänderungen oder Blogbeiträge benötigen, Ihre KI kann jede Website scannen und eine Liste relevanter Links zurückgeben, und das alles innerhalb der Unterhaltung im Chat.
With AI-driven website search, your agent can scan your site, find relevant content, and share the most useful links in real time, making conversations more efficient and engaging.
Enable your AI Agent to scan and retrieve relevant content from your website when users ask for information. By setting up keywords and search criteria, you ensure your AI finds the most accurate results.
Set the keywords that your AI should look for, and provide the URL to search. For example, searching for "latest news" on will bring up the most recent articles that match the criteria.
Customize search preferences by entering keywords or specific details, helping your AI deliver precise and relevant content based on user needs.