Digest Emails FAQs

All your questions about Jotform Digest Emails — answered. Check out our FAQs for answers to common questions, or contact our support team for further information.

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  • What is Digest Emails?

    The Digest Emails feature is Jotform’s new automation that allows form owners to track and analyze their form submissions using periodic email summaries. Typically, digest emails are scheduled emails that are automatically generated by a digital platform to compile information on a recurring basis.

    Jotform’s digest emails include the number of form submissions in the most recent submission period, a chart displaying answers to form fields selected by the form owner, and submission details about those selected fields. This new native feature lets form owners gain insights about recent submissions quickly and efficiently — without the hassle of manual data consolidation.

  • Why should I use Digest Emails?

  • What kind of information will I see in Digest Emails?

  • Where can I create Digest Emails?

  • Who can receive Digest Emails?

  • Is it possible to receive multiple form submissions in a Digest Email?

  • Can I customize Digest Emails?

  • Why am I not seeing real-time data while creating Digest emails?

  • Can I include a chart in Digest Emails?

  • Which question types are suitable for digest email charts?

  • Can I use Digest Emails feature as a HIPAA account owner?

  • Can I use the Digest Emails feature for encrypted forms?

  • Can I create Digest Emails in my Teams workspace?