estradasolana.carlosrobertoFecha de consulta 20 de febrero de 2025, 21:09
Paolo Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 20 de febrero de 2025, 22:25
Hi Carlos,
You can set up the promo code on your form using conditional logic. You just need to add a Shor Text element on where the user can enter the code. Add another Form calculation widget to serve as a container of your conditional calculation to add the code to the total amount.
To make sure that the form can be fully functional , you also need to add conditions if in case the code is incorrect. Sharing a sample form I created so you have a better view, clone the form to make it your own and check the settings. Check my previous response on another thread on how to add basic elements , a widget and conditions on your form.
As for the settings once you clone the form you would be able to check its configuration. Check the sample form details below:
Yolo Code - Applying a 10% discount to the total amount
Sogood Code -Applying a 100 discount amount
If incorrect code, will hide submit button and warning message is shown , until the correct code is applied.
Promo code question- Shows or hides the promocode text box.
Adding a promocode will require you to edit a condition and add the new code under the If rule to make sure there are no issues on the form functionality. Check the screenshot below:
Sharing the screencast of the results below :
Reach out again if you have any other questions.
estradasolana.carlosrobertoFecha de respuesta 23 de febrero de 2025, 10:00
OK and if I want to use a promotional code based on time or number of uses
Paolo Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 23 de febrero de 2025, 10:23
Hi Carlos,
What I showed you was how to create the promo codes on your form, once you have identified the promos that you will be giving away. Determining how to provide the promo code to will be based on your own system. Unfortunately , we don't have a advanced ticketing system that allows you to generate a promo based on your requirements. You can use Conditional logic to determine submissions within the specified time. You can check the sample form that I created. Clone it to see how I set it up. I added a condition that will provide with promo on the short text if the date is meeting the condition. Check the condition settings below:
You can play with the condition if you also want to use the form to create triggers for your promo.
Reach out again if you have any other questions.
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