leyregomezbazFecha de consulta 26 de febrero de 2025, 13:27
Hola, estoy teniendo problemas al transferir la propiedad de un formulario que he creado, necesito compartirlo y que la otra persona sea la propietaria para dejar de serlo yo. ¿Cómo podría hacerlo? No encuentro esta opción por ningun lado.
Shirized Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 26 de febrero de 2025, 13:50
Hi leyregomezbaz,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Keep in mind that once forms are transferred from your account to another account, the recipient becomes the new owner of those forms. The transfer cannot be reversed unless the new owner explicitly approves returning the forms to your account. If you're using a custom URL for your forms , it will automatically update from https://form.jotform.com/ {yourUsername} /{your-custom-url-slug} to https://form.jotform.com/ {New_Owner_Username} /{your-custom-url-slug}. But here's how to transfer your form from your account to another account:
1. Hover your mouse over your Avatar.
2. On the dropdown menu, click on Settings.
3. Click on Data on the left side of the screen.
4. On the Transfer Forms option, click on the Transfer Forms button.
5. Enter the Authentication Code.
6. Click on the Verify button.
7. On the pop-up window, tick the checkbox of the forms that you want to transfer.
8. Enter the email address of the new form owner under the New owner’s email address box.
9. Click on the Transfer Forms button.
10. There will be a Pending Transfer of the form in their email.
11. Once the new owner of the form receives the form transfer invitation, click on View Transfer Request.
12. Enter the Authentication Code.
13. Click on the Verify button.
14. Finally, click on Accept.
Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.
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