Tranmere Rovers, Tranmere Rovers Trust with German Kraft Beer
We would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and feedback regarding the proposal that we have to create a new Fan Park at Prenton Park. We hope you have seen the plans and visuals and would invite you to please complete the below to enable us to make progress with this exciting project. We believe this project will benefit our fans, the local and wider Wirral community and create a unique experience for people of all ages to enjoy - not just on match days too.
First Name
Last Name
If you would like updates, please add your e-mail:
Which of the following do you identify as:
Prefer not to say
Do you consider yourself a football fan?
Very strongly
If relevant, which football club do you support?
Please indicate your age range:
Under 18
Over 75
Which area do you live?
Town or postcode, eg CH42.
On the basis of the plans you have seen, do you support or oppose the plans for the new Fan Park and hospitality venue?
Strongly in favour
Slightly in favour
No opinion on the subject
Slightly against
Strongly against
What do you like about the proposals?
What, if anything do you dislike about the proposals?
Would you use the venue?
Yes - on match days
As a hospitality venue only
Yes - on match days and during the week and weekends
For other events, such as weddings, parties, conferences and other celebrations
Never use it
Is there anything you dislike, or have any concerns over, or are there any other comments you would like to add:?
If you would like further information, please enter your email (if not already done so above) or telephone number below:
Submit Feedback
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