Comment masquer les champs d'image dans un PDF

  • Support_RAY
    Demandé le 13 janvier 2025 à 04:02


    Les images qui sont masquées et qui n'apparaissent que sous conditions dans le formulaire, apparaissent toutes dans le rapport pdf en pièce jointe du mail envoyé à chaque soumission.

    Comment empêcher cela svp ?



    Mr Benoit

    Support technique RAY France

    Jotform Thread 22967583 Screenshot
  • Lars Jotform Support
    Répondu le 13 janvier 2025 à 04:49

    Hi Mr Benoit,

    Our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question, I understand that you have some image fields on your form that you wish to conditionally hide on your PDF. Unfortunately, it's not possible to show and hide which fields will show on a PDF with conditions. But you can send personalized emails with different PDF attachments based on submitter responses using conditional logic. You should create specific PDF templates for each scenario. Then, set up multiple Autoresponder Emails, each linked to the appropriate PDF template. Finally, use conditional logic to send the correct email based on the submission. Check out the steps and screencast below to see how it's done:

    Let’s begin by creating a PDF document: 

    1. In PDF Editor, in blue navigation bar, click on the New PDF button.

    2. Click on Use Default Layout and customize your document as you like, removing any image fields that shouldn't be there for the template.

    Comment masquer les champs dimage dans un PDF Image 1 Screenshot 60 Now, let's create Autoresponder emails and attach PDF documents:

    1. In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Settings.

    2. In the menu on the left side of the page, click on the Emails tab.

    3. Click on the Add Email button and select Autoresponder.

    Comment masquer les champs dimage dans un PDF Image 2 Screenshot 71

    4. Then, click on the Advanced tab, toggle On the Attach PDF section.

    5. Select the PDF document you created, then click on the Save button at the bottom-right side of the Advanced tab.

    Comment masquer les champs dimage dans un PDF Image 3 Screenshot 82 Finally, let's set the conditionals based on the submitter's answers in the form:

    1. While in the Settings tab, in the menu on the left side of the page, click on Conditions.

    2. Click on Add Condition and then click on Change Email Recipient.

    Comment masquer les champs dimage dans un PDF Image 4 Screenshot 93

    3. Set up the conditions as you see below, based on the product selected and the new email for that product, and click on Save:

    Comment masquer les champs dimage dans un PDF Image 5 Screenshot 104

    Now, whenever a submitter selects an option, they will receive an email with the related PDF document attached, that only contains the images you include. You can also check out our guides explaining How to Create PDF Forms with PDF Editor, Setting Up Autoresponder Emails and How to Send Emails Based on a User's Answer for more information.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • Support_RAY
    Répondu le 13 janvier 2025 à 07:28

    Merci pour cette réponse rapide et précise, effectivement mon problème est réglé via PDF Editor ;)