Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element

  • Actuelburo
    Demandé le 13 janvier 2025 à 09:38


    J'espère que vous allez bien. Je vous écris car je rencontre un souci avec un champ qui n'est ni renseigné ni calculé en raison de l'absence de données disponibles selon les conditions spécifiées, et malgré tout, ce champ apparaît dans la visualisation du PDF.

    Pourriez-vous m'aider à résoudre ce problème ? Ce champ n'a pas été renseigné lors de la souscription, mais il apparaît tout de même dans la prévisualisation.

    Il est peut-être possible d'ajuster la formule pour faire en sorte que si le chant n'est pas renseigné qu'ils soit automatiquement vide.

    Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Je vous remercie par avance pour votre aide et votre collaboration.



  • Aries Jotform Support
    Répondu le 13 janvier 2025 à 16:45

    Hi Baptiste,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question, I'll need a bit of time to look into this. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

  • Aries Jotform Support
    Répondu le 14 janvier 2025 à 01:09

    Hi Baptiste,

    I checked the field you are having issue with, and it shows that it is calculating value when you select answer in Produit couvert par le contrat field and entered a value. Check out the screencast below:

    Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 1 Screenshot 20 As the fields are automatically calculating values, it is considered filled out, and it will show in your submission PDF version as the Hide empty form fields option is enabled in your PDF Editor settings. If this is not exactly what you are getting, can you share with us a screen recording of what’s happening so we can try to replicate it on our end? You can share the video recording on any public sharing platform like Google Drive or Dropbox, or you can simply use Loom to record the video and share the video link with us.

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • Actuelburo
    Répondu le 14 janvier 2025 à 05:11
    Merci pour votre retour. Cependant, il semble que vous n'ayez pas pris en compte la bonne information.
    La valeur dont je parle est celle de ma capture (envoyl'ouverture).
    Pouvez-vous vifier cela et examiner la case que j'ai indiqu dans ma capture d'ran ?
    Merci d'avance.
    [Ma photo]<https:>
    Baptiste FORGET
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    De : Jotform <noreply>
    Envoy: mardi 14 janvier 2025 07:09
    : Baptiste FORGET <bforget>
    Objet : Re: masquer un champ dans PDF (car non renseign
    [Jotform] <https:>
    Theres a new response on your question:
    masquer un champ dans PDF (car non renseign
    Hi Baptiste,
    I checked the field you are having issue with, and it shows that it is calculating value when you select answer in Produit couvert par le contrat field and entered a value. Check out the screencast below:
    [] As the fields are automatically calculating values, it is considered filled out, and it will show in your submission PDF version as the Hide empty form fields option is enabled in your PDF Editor settings. If this is not exactly what you are getting, can you share with us a screen recording of whats happening so we can try to replicate it on our end? You can share the video recording on any public sharing platform like Google Drive<https: /> or Dropbox<https: />, or you can simply use Loom<https: /> to record the video and share the video link with us.
    After we hear back from you, well have a better idea of whats going on and how to help.
    Answered by
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  • Rene Jotform Support
    Répondu le 14 janvier 2025 à 15:56

    Hi Baptiste,

    I understand the issue, but I’ll need a bit of time to work out a solution. I’ll get back to you shortly.

    We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we look into this.

  • Rene Jotform Support
    Répondu le 14 janvier 2025 à 17:59

    Hi Baptiste,

    I was able to check your form and found a few things in it which were the reasons the Total Après remise fields show up with values even when intentionally not selected, or filled out. First, I noticed that the page GRILLE TARIFAIRE (page 3 of the form) under the first M.C.O. Maintien en Condition Opérationnelle Formule « Instant » section, the fields below it have default values in each of them. Check out the screenshot below:

    Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 1 Screenshot 60

    And then, below it is a Multiple Choice field with each option connected to a specific field above it, via Conditional Logic. I found that, for example, serveur physique is selected, a calculated value including the value from Tarif par serveur physique and the field nombre de serveur physique will be serve as total value for the field Total pour serveur physique. Check out the screencast below:

    Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 2 Screenshot 71

    And then, the field Total pour serveur physique is included in the formula for the Form Calculation widget labeled Total M.C.O. Check out the screenshot below:

    Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 3 Screenshot 82

    Finally, the said widget is also included in the 2 Form Calculation widgets of the same name, Total Après remise. Check out the screencast below:

    Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 4 Screenshot 93

    That is why, even if some fields/widgets in your form are not selected, the Total Après remise widgets are forced to have values because of the main cause of the issue, which are the fields with default values. This is shown on the first screenshot I shared. Let me then show you a sample when filling out the form and how the fields act based on the information I shared earlier. Note that I've made all the fields visible so you can check how the form works if full detail. I also skipped the fields that are not required, to make sure that every particular fields that can be left empty won't be filled out:

    Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 5 Screenshot 104

    With these details, you may need to reconfigure the calculations you have for the form, and the conditions set to each field. You may also need to double-check or confirm how the default values for some of your fields work, how should they be calculated, and how should they connect to other fields/widgets. We can help you more about this, but I'd like to ask for more details on how exactly the form works or performs. Here are some questions I'd like to ask so we can have a better understanding of the issue, and how we can properly help:

    • What are the criteria to be met to make sure that the fields Total Après remise are left empty?
    • What other criteria are to be considered to make sure that all the fields that should or need to be empty stay as is, and won't show up on the PDF?
    • How should the fields, their values, calculations, conditions, and the intended result work?
    • Can you give us a scenario or example on how the form needs to be filled out, and the expected result upon submission?
    • Can you share more information that we need to know or be aware of, that can help us solve the issue?

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • Actuelburo
    Répondu le 15 janvier 2025 à 11:04

    Bonjour et merci pour vos tests à votre retour.

    En revanche, ce qui me bloque, c'est que j'utilise le formulaire présenté (dans la première capture que vous avez envoyé) Des valeurs par défaut y sont définies, car elles seront utilisées comme un catalogue, et l'API viendra ensuite renseigner directement les tarifs s'ils doivent être mis à jour.

    Aujourd'hui, la problématique que je rencontre, c'est que, sauf erreur de ma part, je ne peux pas inclure dans une formule une donnée renseignée ou mise à jour par l'API.

    Pouvez-vous me confirmer ce point ?

    Par ailleurs, je ne sais pas comment procéder ni si cela est faisable d'ajouter une formule indiquant que, si une certaine case est cochée, le champ concerné doit rester vide.

    Suite à votre retour, j'ai tenté de le mettre en place (vous le verrez dans la mise à jour du formulaire) pour tester une solution visant à faire disparaître les champs. Ou plutôt à les rendre égale à un champ vide. Cependant, la valeur par défaut qui s’affiche reste "0", ce qui ne me convient pas, car cela ne répond pas à mes attentes.

    Pourriez-vous m'aider à trouver une solution pour résoudre ce problème ?

    Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide.

  • Actuelburo
    Répondu le 15 janvier 2025 à 11:29

    J'avais aussi une idée intéressante à partager avec vous concernant les valeurs de calcul. En réfléchissant à notre problématique actuelle, j'ai pensé à une solution qui pourrait vraiment nous faciliter la vie.

    En renseignant les valeurs de calcul de manière à ce que chaque ligne puisse être isolée dans la formule de la caisse concernée, nous pourrions simplifier considérablement le processus. Cela nous permettrait de trouver une solution plus rapidement et efficacement.

    J'ai essayé de capturer cette idée dans une image pour mieux illustrer ma proposition. N'hésitez pas à y jeter un coup d'œil et à me faire part de vos retours.


    Baptiste Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Rene Jotform Support
    Répondu le 15 janvier 2025 à 12:13

    Hi Baptiste,

    I’ll need a bit of time to look into this. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

    In the meantime, let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Rene Jotform Support
    Répondu le 16 janvier 2025 à 17:59

    Hi Baptiste,

    By default, the Form Calculation Widget will have a value of 0, even without any calculations nor formula added to it. A workaround you can try is to use a basic element like Short Text or Number in replacement of the said widget, and then create the calculation using Conditional Logic. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, click on Add Element on the left side of the page.
    2. Under the Basic tab, look for Number, and then drag and drop it into your form. It is best to put it next to the Form Calculation widget you want to replace it with.
    3. Click on the field's Gear icon and, in the Number Properties window on the right, change the Field Label with the same one as the widget. Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 1 Screenshot 60
    4. And then, go to the Advanced tab and toggle Read Only, Shrink, and Hide Field to enable all of them. Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 2 Screenshot 71

    You can follow the same steps to all the Form Calculation widgets in your form. Once done, we can now set up the conditions for the new field. Here's how to do it:

    1. In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Settings.
    2. In the menu on the left side of the page, click on Conditions, and then click on Add Condition.
    3. Select Update/Calculate Field from the conditional options.
    4. Start adding the conditions and the formula you will be using, and then click on Save once done. Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 3 Screenshot 82

    Here's a screenshot of the condition created and the associated formula to be used for it. Note that the formula should be an exact copy of the original formula used in the Form Calculation widget it will be replacing:

    Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 4 Screenshot 93

    You can then remove the widgets by simply clicking on each of them, and then click the Trash Can icon on its left. Check out the screencast below:

    Make easier calculations based on Multiple Choice element Image 5 Screenshot 104

    The proposed formula you'd like to use for your form will be a good option to replace it with the ones you currently have. But, do note that if you will be using the formula as shown on the most recent screenshot you shared with us, I'd recommend following the same steps above. So, you don't have to use the Form Calculation widgets for them. Also, once you have created them, make sure to do the proper adjustments for the conditions they need to be connected to, in order for them to work.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Actuelburo
    Répondu le 21 janvier 2025 à 05:41

    J'avais aussi une idée intéressante à partager avec vous concernant les valeurs de calcul. En réfléchissant à notre problématique actuelle, j'ai pensé à une solution qui pourrait vraiment nous faciliter la vie.

    En renseignant les valeurs de calcul de manière à ce que chaque ligne puisse être isolée dans la formule de la caisse concernée, nous pourrions simplifier considérablement le processus. Cela nous permettrait de trouver une solution plus rapidement et efficacement.

    J'ai essayé de capturer cette idée dans une image pour mieux illustrer ma proposition. N'hésitez pas à y jeter un coup d'œil et à me faire part de vos retours.


    Baptiste masquer un champ dans PDF (car non renseigné) Image 1 Screenshot 20 Screenshot 10

  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 21 janvier 2025 à 06:20

    Hi Baptiste,

    About using, in a form, a value updated via the API, as you asked above, note that even if the API allows you to update submissions data, these submissions data can't be actualized into the form, but only using prefilled forms and form URL parameters.

    About your last suggestion, indeed, the actual behavior of the Multiple Choice element, when set up with calculation values, is to return the sum of the calculation values. So, I understand your request which requires to combine two features:

    • The ability to define an If-Then-Else statement as a formula in the Calculation widget.
    • The ability to get the selected choices calculation values if any, of the Multiple Choice element.

    So, while the feature you're looking for isn't available at Jotform right now, we've gone ahead and escalated your request to our developers. Exactly when or if it's developed depends on their workload, how viable it is, and how many other users also request it. If there are any updates, we’ll circle back to this thread and let you know.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

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