newcaledoniatourismDemandé le 15 janvier 2025 à 19:56
Nous avons créé le formulaire suivant https://form.jotform.com/232550695227055 intitulé "Cruise travellers - WiFi Gare Maritime" dans notre backoffice.
L'intégration Mailchimp est activée et bien paramétrée. Cependant, aucun contact n'est envoyé sur notre Mailchimp.
Nous avons donc fait un export manuel des données Jotform puis import manuel dans Mailchimp le 10/01/2025. Nous avons ensuite supprimé et réactivé l'intégration Mailchimp.
Nous avons bien reçu des nouveaux opt-in entre temps mais l'intégration semble toujours ne pas fonctionner. Je vous transmet en pièce jointe, une capture Mailchimp montrant que les derniers contacts ajoutés datent tous du 10/01/2025.
Pouvez-vous vérifiez s'il y a une erreur quelque part ?
En vous remerciant pour votre aide !
Royce Jotform SupportRépondu le 16 janvier 2025 à 08:50
Hi Kenzo,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.
As for your question or concern, I’ll need a bit of time to look into this. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Meanwhile, let us know if you have any other questions.
Royce Jotform SupportRépondu le 16 janvier 2025 à 12:53
Hi Kenzo,
When I cloned and tested your form, everything worked the way it was supposed to. Take a look at the screencast below to see my results:
As you can see, after I've submitted the form, I was able to receive the submission on the integrated Mailchimp successfully. Can you share with us the screenshot of the form fields that you're trying to map with the Mailchimp Audience fields and tags? Also, can you share with us the screenshot of the Mailchimp Audience fields and tags so we can try to replicate the issue on our end? Let me show you how to post a screenshot to our Support Forum:
1. On the Support Forum page, scroll down to the Your Answer section and click on the Image icon.
2. Drag and drop your image into the Upload box, or click on it and select your file.
3. Then, click on the Add button in the bottom-right corner of the window.
4. To resize it, click on your screenshot and then click on one of the boxes in the corners, and drag it inward.
5. Once you're finished, click on the Post Answer button at the bottom right of the Your Answer section.
newcaledoniatourismRépondu le 19 janvier 2025 à 16:54
Bonjour Royce,
Thanks for you quick answer! I switched my Jotform to English for a better understanding.
Please find a screen recording here: https://we.tl/t-2knoAbMG0E
I tried to show you the Mailchimp integration settings.
- The "Marketing permission" is supposed to be the "Newsletter" field.
- In the option "Send Contacts To Mailchimp", we want to send to Mailchimp contacts that checked the "Newsletter" field.
Then, we copy/paste the text of the "Newsletter" field.
However, when editing back the integration, it automatically sets back to the default text "Yes, subscribe me to this newsletter." We think this might be the problem.
Is there a way to fix this?
Thank you very much for your help.
Shane Jotform SupportRépondu le 20 janvier 2025 à 02:26
Hi Kenzo,
Thank you for sharing your screen, that helped me to understand what’s happening. Before we escalate the issue to our developers for further checking, can you try removing the integration altogether and adding it back again if that fixes the issue? I've cleared your form cache as a precaution as well. It's also best if you can clear browser caches before adding the integration again. To remove the integration, here's how:
1. In Form Builder, click on Settings from the top navigation bar.
2 Select Integrations from the left menu.
3. Click on Mailchimp from the list of integrations.4. Click on the Remove Integration button.
After that, you can add the integration back again. We also have a guide about How to Integrate With Mailchimp that you can check out. If the issue continues, we'll create a performance ticket and forward it to our Developers.
Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
newcaledoniatourismRépondu le 21 janvier 2025 à 22:43
Bonjour Shane,
Thanks for your help. Here's a commented screen recording (sorry if I did some English mistakes) : https://we.tl/t-xUoRuEHiEH
Please note that I did clean my browser cache and the form cache.
To sum up the screen recording:
- We want to send to Mailchimp the contacts that selected the Newsletter checkbox "I agree to receive news and special deals from New Caledonia Tourism."
- During the integration settings :
- Options:
Send contacts to Mailchimp: Only if user agrees
We copy/paste the text of our existing Newsletter checkbox: I agree to receive news and special deals from New Caledonia Tourism.
- Marketing Permissions: we select the existing Newsletter checkbox field. - Complete integration: everything looks good for now and existing contacts are sent to Mailchimp.
- However, when going back on the form, we can see the integration settings created a new Newsletter field. It dit not use the existing field I selected.
- Also, new submissions are still not sent to Mailchimp though.
- I tried to complete the form after the integration and by selected both Newsletter checkbox (the already existing one and the one created by the integration settings).
- I also tried hiding our existing Newsletter checkbox (so only one remains) then complete the form. - If we try to edit the integration and save it, it changes the "Newsletter Checkbox Text" to "Yes, subscribe me to this newsletter."
Two problems observed:
- It seems we cannot define our existing Newsletter checkbox to be the opt-in/Marketing Permissions field.
- New submissions are not sent to Mailchimp even after activited back the integration.
I tried my best to explain. If you need more precision on any point, let me know.
Thanks for your help!
- We want to send to Mailchimp the contacts that selected the Newsletter checkbox "I agree to receive news and special deals from New Caledonia Tourism."
Frédéric Jotform SupportRépondu le 22 janvier 2025 à 04:39
Hi Kenzo,
I did a try with a clone of your form, and it worked as expected, as shown below.
Since I see that in my clone, as well as in your screencast, two fields have the same label Newsletter, can you make a try after renaming the last field named Newsletter, as shown below, and then reconnect your Mailchimp integration?
Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
newcaledoniatourismRépondu le 22 janvier 2025 à 20:09
Hi eveyone,
Thank you again for doing your best to help.
@Frédéric I already tried this solution and it didn't work. Renaming and/or Hiding one of the Newsletter label doesn't seem to change anything.
Please note that in the integration settings, we want:
- Tags: Static Tagging
And then select our own tag. - Options: Send contacts to Mailchimp
Only if user agrees
Because we just want contacts that select the checkbox "I agree to receive news and special deals from New Caledonia Tourism." to be sent to Mailchimp.
As mentionned in my previous answer, after activating the integration:
- Existing contacts are sent to Mailchimp => So I assumed the settings are working.
- However, New Submissions are not sent to Mailchimp
Something I tried today is to create a Test audience on Mailchimp and activate the integration on this new audience.
The same thing is happening:
- Existing contacts are sent to Mailchimp
- New Submissions are not sent to Mailchimp
- Tags: Static Tagging
Frédéric Jotform SupportRépondu le 23 janvier 2025 à 07:47
Hi Kenzo,
To better understand the issue, can you tell us what exactly are the existing contacts which are sent to Mailchimp? Do you mean that the previous submissions are sent to Mailchimp as soon as you connect the integration, but the submissions done after connecting to Mailchimp are not sent? If so, if you got new submissions after having disconnected and reconnected the Mailchimp integration, do these last submissions - which might be "existing contacts" as I understand - sent to Mailchip, so that the the contacts in Mailchimp are updated each time to reconnect? Or, simply, "existing contacts" refer to the one already recorded in Mailchimp in some other way?
Once we have a better idea of what’s going on, we’ll be able to go further.
newcaledoniatourismRépondu le 26 janvier 2025 à 18:56
Hi Frédéric,
Yes, by ‘existing contacts’ I'm referring to the previous submissions.
So, after reconnecting the Mailchimp integration:
- Previous submissions are sent Mailchimp, because I'm selecting the associated checkbox in the settings. That's working perfectly.
- New submissions with the ‘Newsletter’ checkbox selected are not sent in Mailchimp. Something isn't working although all the settings seem to be correct.
Frédéric Jotform SupportRépondu le 27 janvier 2025 à 06:08
Hi Kenzo,
I did again a test with the clone I did previously, posted a new submission, and I got the record into the already connected Mailchimp account, under its All Contacts tab, at section Audience, as shown below, the previous record texted above being display below the last record:
So, I created a ticket and escalated this to our Developers. Although we don't know exactly when it'll be fixed, we’ll circle back to this thread when we have an update.
Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.
newcaledoniatourismRépondu le 27 janvier 2025 à 21:49
Hi Frédéric,
Well noted.
Thank you all for your support!
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