Online Survey Chart Maker

Build professional surveys and get the responses you need with Jotform. Customize your surveys to get in-depth feedback and easily create survey charts to visually represent the results. Share your findings via a link or by embedding reports directly into your website or online portal.


Start with an Online Survey

Tidak yakin harus mulai dari mana? Pilih templat siap pakai untuk dikirim ke pelanggan Anda dalam hitungan detik — atau untuk disesuaikan dengan pembangun tanpa kode kami.

Work Satisfaction Survey

Template work-satisfaction-survey

Survei Riset Pasar

Template market-research-survey

Formulir Umpan Balik Pasien

Template patient-feedback-form


Buat Survei Secara Instan

Centralized Survey Responses

Collect, organize, and analyze the survey data you need in one easy-to-use platform. Build professional survey forms to send to your audience and analyze the results seamlessly from your Jotform account.

Generate Professional Survey Reports

Convert your survey responses into professional reports in just a few clicks. Choose your desired types of charts and data tables. Upload images and choose color palettes, shapes, and icons that best reflect your findings.

Easily Share Your Survey Results

Share your surveys in a way that fits your needs. Easily download your survey charts and reports as PDFs to print or send, share them via a direct link, or embed them straight into your online portal or website. You can even link to your survey reports in your social media bios to reach more users.

Customize Reports

Jotform Report Builder gives you the option to personalize your reports to show off your brand’s unique voice. Customize your visual reports with our easy-to-configure layout settings, slide settings, and tooltips. Then share your custom reports with team members and other stakeholders.


Apa yang dikatakan pengguna kami tentang Jotform

Saya telah menggunakan platform ini sejak tahun 2015 dan sangat membantu dalam mengumpulkan data yang saya butuhkan. Saya telah menggunakan fitur sematan untuk membagikan formulir di situs web saya dengan mudah. Saya juga dapat menggunakan formulir integrasi untuk mengirim alamat email secara otomatis ke Mailchimp dan penjawab otomatis untuk segera menindaklanjuti mereka yang mengikuti survei saya. Saya senang Jotform terus meningkatkan produk dan layanannya, dan saya senang memanfaatkan rilis baru secara langsung. Seiring pertumbuhan saya, Jotform hadir dengan produk dan solusi yang saya butuhkan.

Ayo Fashola, Pelatih Daya Tarik Feminin dan Konsultan Citra, Ayo Beauty

Learn More About Survey Chart Maker

Semua pertanyaan Anda tentang Jotform — dijawab. Lihat FAQ kami untuk jawaban atas pertanyaan umum, atau hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

How do you make a survey chart?

Making a survey chart is simple with Jotform. To get started, follow these easy steps:

  • Select the survey form that you’d like to generate a chart from on the My Forms page.
  • Open the Reports menu.
  • Click the Add New Report button.
  • Select the Visual Report Builder option to open the Report Builder.
  • Enter a name for the report.
  • Select the Report Type you’d like, then click the Create button.
  • To add specific charts, click on + Add Element, then Form Field to choose the data and chart type.

What is the best way to graph survey results?

There are many ways to graph your survey results — from simple to more complex — depending on the data you’re presenting. For example, the stacked bar chart is one of the best options for visualizing the results of rating scale questions in a straightforward, easy-to-follow way.

How do you visualize survey results?

You can visualize your survey results using charts, tables, icons, grids, and more, depending on your needs. Consider the following types of charts to visualize your survey results:

  • Likert scale chart
  • Score bar chart
  • Rating bar chart
  • Survey score summary chart
  • Score detail chart
  • Rating score chart
  • Sentiment analysis chart

How do I track survey results in Jotform?

With Jotform, it’s easy to track your survey results. You can view and organize all submitted data for your form in Jotform Tables. To see results at a glance, generate a visual report with your survey data using the Jotform Report Builder.

How do you summarize survey data?

Summarizing your survey data is a breeze with Jotform. Automatically generate a visual report to show all your data in easy-to-understand charts and tables. Once you’ve created your report, filled with key insights and user feedback, customize the design to fit your needs and share it with others.