Change the button's text to white

  • jobelpro
    Asked on 3 lutego 2024 04:19

    Jak ustawić, żeby to pole na stałe podświetlało się na biało?

    Change the buttons text to white Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Christy Enterprise Support
    Replied on 3 lutego 2024 07:31

    Hi Dawid,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Polish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Polish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. To change the button's text to white, you can inject custom CSS codes into your form. I'll show you how it is done:

    • Click on the Paint Roller icon to open the Form Designer.
    • Click on the Styles tab and scroll down to Inject Custom CSS.
    • Copy and paste the following codes.
    /*Change button's text to white - 11475513*/
    #form-pagebreak-back_70 {
    color: white !important;
    /ends here/

    Check out the screencast below to see my results:

    Change the buttons text to white Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Give it a try and let us know if you need more help.