Zapier Integration: Transfer all existing fields and annotations to the new excel file

  • Audioteka
    Asked on 29 kwietnia 2024 08:44
    have one more question: i would like to transfer all the existing fields and annotations in the form to the newly integrated excel file, how to do it?
  • Lorenz Jotform Support
    Replied on 29 kwietnia 2024 09:15

    Hi Audioteka,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by your question, but do you want to automatically create the column headers in the excel file, corresponding to all fields in your form? If so, then you will have to manually add all the necessary columns in your excel sheet in Microsoft, and in Zapier, rework on the excel module/flow to ensure that it captures the columns successfully.

    Zapier Integration: Transfer all existing fields and annotations to the new excel file Image 1 Screenshot 20

    If that's not exactly what you're trying to do, let us know and provide more details so we can assist you better.

  • Audioteka
    Replied on 29 kwietnia 2024 09:39

    Thank you for your response. What I mean is to automatically update in the excel file I have linked to Jotform, all previous form fills, not just the latest ones.

  • Carrissa_M
    Replied on 29 kwietnia 2024 11:55

    Hi Audioteka,

    Thanks for reaching back to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, previous submissions are not including when the integration is newly connected. You can try editing the previous submissions to trigger the Zap and include it on your Excel. You can edit submissions directly within the cell in Jotform Tables. Let me show you how:

    1. On the Jotform Tables page, click on a cell.
    2. Delete the information in it and then just enter a new answer for it.

    Zapier Integration: Transfer all existing fields and annotations to the new excel file Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.