Problema com armazenamento de arquivos

  • sacjedal
    Perguntado em 26 de fevereiro de 2025 às 08:51

    No plano gratuito tenho 500 submissões, como havia atingido realizei a exclusão, porém não me liberou espaço.

  • David Jotform Support Manager
    Respondido em 26 de fevereiro de 2025 às 10:57

    Hi sacjedal,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Your submissions storage is under the 500 submissions limit. Your account is exceeding the Upload Space limit, looks like you deleted submissions, and they are now on the trash.

    To free up the Upload Space, you need to permanently purge your submissions from the trash. Let me walk you through the steps once you log into your account:

    1. Select your form where you deleted submissions already.

    2. Click on the More option.

    3. Click on the Submissions option that appears under the Data section.

    Problema com armazenamento de arquivos Image 1 Screenshot 40

    4. Click on the vertical ellipsis of your tables tab.

    5. Click on Trashed entries option that is displayed at the bottom of the menu.

    Problema com armazenamento de arquivos Image 2 Screenshot 51

    6. Click on Select All box.

    7. Click on the Delete Forever red button.

    Problema com armazenamento de arquivos Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Once you have purged the submissions from the trash, your upload space should be updated accordingly.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

Sua Resposta