تفاصيل الباقات

  • timotuity
    تم السؤال بتاريخ ١٧ مايو ٢٠٢٤ في ٩:٠٤ م

    اريد معرفه ما هو عدد الاستجابات الشهريه و ما اهميه في الباقات

  • Myla Jotform Support
    تم الرد بتاريخ ١٧ مايو ٢٠٢٤ في ٩:٥٩ م

    Hi Hatem,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Arabic Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Arabic, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question. If I understood what you’re asking, you'd like to know how many submissions can you receive in a month? If so, the submissions will depend on which plan you are currently on. For Starter Plans, it is 100 submissions per month, and it increases when you upgrade. You can check on our Pricing Page to know more the limits and the prices.

    That's it. Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • timotuity
    تم الرد بتاريخ ١٨ مايو ٢٠٢٤ في ٨:٣٢ م

    اريد شرح هذا البند شرحا تفصيلي من فضلك

  • timotuity
    تم الرد بتاريخ ١٨ مايو ٢٠٢٤ في ٨:٣٣ م

    وما معني تصفحات النموذج الشهريه

  • Ericson_B
    تم الرد بتاريخ ١٨ مايو ٢٠٢٤ في ٩:٢٣ م

    Hi Hatem,

    Thanks for getting back to us. The monthly submissions limit in the package is important since it indicates how many submissions you can receive each month. For example, you get Bronze, which has a monthly submission limit of 1000. This signifies that you can get a maximum 1000 form responses in a month. Now, if you exceeded that limit, your forms will be disabled, and the only option to use them again is to upgrade to a plan with a higher monthly submission limit, or to wait for your monthly limits to be reset on your reset day period.

    • Monthly Submissions - The total number of entries you can receive every month from all your forms.
    • Monthly Payment Submissions - The total number of completed payments from forms with payment processor integration.
    • Monthly Signed Documents -The total number of signing processes completed, from all your Sign documents, your account can have every month.
    • Upload Space - The available storage space for file uploads.
    • Forms Limit - The number of active forms.
    • Total Submission Storage - The total number of form entries you can store in your account.
    • Monthly Form Views - The number of impressions or times your forms can be viewed.
    • Fields per Form - The maximum number of form elements for each form.

    You can check the start date of your next limit reset period from your Account Usage page. To learn more, visit the  Jotform Features and Pricing page or check out the Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits guide.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • timotuity
    تم الرد بتاريخ ٢٤ مايو ٢٠٢٤ في ١١:١٠ م

    ممكن تشرح لي جميع البنود الخاصه ب الباقه البرونزية مع الشرح المفصل لكل بند

    وايضا اريد ان اتواصل مع أحد من دعم اللغه العربيه عندكم لكي يكون الفهم المتبادل أوضح وشكرا لك ع مجهودك

  • Mary Jotform Support
    تم الرد بتاريخ ٢٤ مايو ٢٠٢٤ في ١١:٥٩ م

    Hi Hatem,

    I'm afraid we do not have Arabic support at the moment; however, you should be able to find more information in our Jotform Features and Pricing page. In the Bronze package, you can create up to 25 forms, and receive up to 1000 submissions from all those forms. Also, your forms can only receive up to 10,000 views. You can also store up to 1GB of attached files or documents in your account. 

    If you are collecting payments, you can only receive up to 100 submissions. If you have enabled Jotform Sign automation, or created sign documents, you can receive up to 1000 submissions. Please note that the monthly submissions and forms views resets every month, while you need to delete submissions if you want to free your upload space.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.