Boring Work Made Easy: Free Templates for Creating Manuals

Boring Work Made Easy: Free Templates for Creating Manuals

Whichever boring and insipid creating a manual usually is, whether you are a developer/manufacturer or an end-user, you simply cannot do without one. Perspective of poking a finger in the sky in order to figure out how to employ the product as well as leaving your arduous piece of work without a detailed description does not sound great at all. So like it or not, manuals are integral parts of our life.

Depending on the purpose and targeted audience, manuals fall into numerous categories such as

  • standard manuals;
  • user manuals;
  • training manuals;
  • policy manuals;
  • office manuals;
  • service manuals, and other specific guides.

As befits every formal written material, it should comply with some requirements. If you want to build up a real guide you should stick to some rules, for example, your manual should have a table of contents if it exceeds 10 pages or the preface should include references to related documents if you have such. Of course, every good and detailed manual should be populated with images and complementary instructions. The list of principles is quite long; nevertheless it is worth to be taken into account.

All in all, manuals can be pretty tedious with lots of continuous text, tables, diagrams and images, however if they are written to the point and are based on a properly-organized structure, your users won’t have difficulties in their reading and comprehension. And our collection of free, cut-and-dried templates for creating manuals will assist you in coming with an easy “digestible” copy.

Professional manual


Creator: microsoft
Format: Word 2003 or later
License: Free to use.

User Manual


Creator: manualtemplates
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Training Manual


Creator: manualtemplates
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Technology Manual


Creator: manualtemplates
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Software Manual


Creator: manualtemplates
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Product Manual


Creator: manualtemplates
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Training Plan Template


Creator: docstoc
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Employment manual outline


Creator: microsoft
Format: Word 2003 or later
License: Free to use.

User Manual Template


Creator: freewordtemplatesz
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Manual Template


Creator: freewordtemplatesz
Format: doc
License:  Free to use.

Manual Template


Creator: brighthub
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Employment Manual


Creator: brighthub
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Advertising Manual


Creator: manualtemplates
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Customer Service Manual


Creator: manualtemplates
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Policy Manual


Creator: manualtemplates
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Employee Manual


Creator: manualtemplates
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

Quality Assurance Manual


Creator: docstoc
Format: doc
License: Free to use.

 Systems Administration Manual Template 


Creator: docstoc
Format: doc
License: Free to use.


Nataly is an internet entrepreneur and an amateur web designer and developer from Sevastopol, Ukraine. She is running a blog for web designers and developers where you can find some inspirational and useful stuff. In her spare time she reads books, unveils the secrets of the world and plays volleyball.

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