7 Tools and Ideas to Create Your Forms More Quickly

7 Tools and Ideas to Create Your Forms More Quickly

Forms are boring. Nobody says “I wish I made more forms” on their death bed. That’s where Jotform comes in and saves the day. Spend your time with family, friends and fun stuff, not with forms. 🙂

Jotform’s mission is to be quickest way to create web forms. In our early days we had the tagline “Easiest Form Builder.” Today, the bar is higher. Our mission is the save you time. Here are some of the tools and ideas we came up with to help you save time.

  1. Form Templates
  2. Every Form Should Be As Simple As Possible, But Not Simpler
  3. Clone Form
  4. “Duplicate Fields” on Form Builder
  5. “Manage Fields” on Form Builder
  6. Field Manager App
  7. Configurable List Widget

1) Form Templates

The most time consuming part of creating a form is coming up with the right questions.

  1. Think of what questions you need to ask.
  2. Make sure not to forget something important.
  3. Make the wording clear and correct.

Form Templates solves these problems. You can browse over 6000 templates and find the form you need. There are all kinds of categories, industries and languages that can be the building block of your form.

Here is the secret why Form Templates is so amazingly useful: They are all created from an actual live form someone else is already using. Someone really needed that form, created it, used it, possibly made many reviews on it, and finally shared it with you. All you have to do is pick and choose what you need.

2) Every Form Should Be As Simple As Possible, But Not Simpler

Ask only what you need, and no more. It is so easy to get excited and think “It would be good to have this information.” It turns out most of the time, only a small part of the data collected is used at all.

Having short forms will also help tremendously with conversion.  Instead of leaving the form unfinished, more people will complete it.

So don’t overthink it- only add a question if you need the answer.

3) Clone Form

One of the most used features of Jotform is the “clone” feature.

Youtube Embed Poster: iwL8hnOKQm4

You can clone a form you previously created. Or you can clone any form you found on the World Wide Web.

4) “Duplicate Fields” on Form Builder

Sometimes you need to add similar questions within a form. The duplicate feature on the Form Builder makes this easy.

duplicate form fields

5) “Manage Fields” on Form Builder

Manage Fields feature is a big time saver when you need to perform actions on multiple form fields at once. You can delete, duplicate, move and require/unrequire multiple form fields at once. The most common usage is probably moving a section of the form to somewhere else in the form.

manage form fields

6) Field Manager

Field Manager is a great tool to copy multiple form questions from one form to another.

form field manager app

7) Configurable List Widget

Sometimes you need to ask users a set of repeating questions. For example, you might ask them to enter details for children. Configurable List Widget is a flexible way to accomplish that. Here is a nice tutorial about it.

Youtube Embed Poster: 017nO9m4MBo

We have similar widgets that might fit into your needs better: Dynamic Textbox, Matrix Dynamique, Infinite List, and many more.

How can we help you create forms more quickly? Please tell your opinions below.

Aytekin Tank is the founder and CEO of Jotform, host of the AI Agents Podcast, and the bestselling author of Automate Your Busywork. A developer by trade but a storyteller by heart, he writes about his journey as an entrepreneur and shares advice for other startups. He loves to hear from Jotform users. You can reach Aytekin from his official website aytekintank.com.

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