Announcing Simplified Publish Button & SSL Embed Codes

Recently some of you may have noticed our interface has changed slightly. The toolbar button to get your form embed code has been updated from Embed Form/Source Code to a simple Publish button. Once you finish building your form, you can now click on Publish to get the codes for your form.

This brings up the brand new publish codes interface.


Publish Interface

The link option is very straight forward. Press the Copy Link button and it will save the link to your clipboard. If you want to use a custom link, press the pencil icon and type in the custom form name that you’d like.


Publish Button Embed Options

The Embed option provides the universal embed codes. Further descriptions are as follows:

  • Embed. This is the most basic, JavaScript-based embed code. Place this code anywhere in your web page and the form will be displayed.
  • Source Code. In some cases you might want the entire source code of your forms. This gives you all the source files for it, which developers may make minor adjustments to.
  • iFrame. Using the iFrame code is another way to embed your forms. As opposed to the embed code, it places the form on your web page within a separate container. It can be useful if there’s a conflict between the existing JavaScript on your website and that coming from JotForm.
  • Feedback Button. This is a whole new effect, and places a tab on the edge of your page. When clicked, it brings up your form in a lightbox.
Feedback Button

It comes with a full suite of customizable settings.

Feedback Custom options

  • Pop-up. This code will display a link to your form. When clicked the form is displayed in a pop-up window.
  • LightBox. This is similar to the feedback button, except that it displays a button that can be placed anywhere on the page. It also comes with a set of customizable options.


Publish Jotform on Platforms

Oftentimes users have a specific web building platform they’d like to add Jotform to. The platforms tab provides specific embed option for the most popular platforms around the web. This includes WordPress, Blogger, Facebook, Wix, Joomla, Tumblr, Squarespace, and many more. Just click the icon and you’ll find exact instructions on how to embed it.

Announcing Simplified Publish Button & SSL Embed Codes Image-1

The Jotform Data Team – Right after launching this feature to all users

This update is among the first of many, as Jotform begins its journey to rewriting the form builder, piece by piece. Stay tuned for more exciting changes to Jotform’s form builder as we continue rebuilding it, making Jotform the best online form builder available.

Steve is Chief Revenue Officer at Jotform and is a prolific writer and presenter about marketing. Raised in Southern California, he earned a MBA in marketing and currently lives in the San Francisco Bay area. You can reach Steve through his contact form.

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