Free webinar series: Mastering data essentials

Free webinar series: Mastering data essentials

You’re probably used to getting email alerts when someone fills out your forms, but did you know that you have immediate and automatic access to a database of all your form responses?

You can also organize form submissions with color-coded tags in Jotform Inbox, set up digests so you can see summaries of form responses, access data about how people have used your forms, and instantly create reports based on any data points.

In our free webinar series, Mastering data essentials, we dive into how to do all of these things. Attendees will be better prepared to find, analyze, and report on all of the valuable data they receive when someone completes one of their forms.

Mastering data essentials: Jotform Tables

In this session we dive into the features and functionality of Tables, offering insights on how to effectively manage and organize data using this platform. Learn how to access and interact with Tables data to streamline your data management processes.

Youtube Embed Poster: U003Yp_5JeI

Mastering data essentials: Jotform Inbox

While Tables is the most effective way to look at all form responses in one place, Jotform Inbox gives you space to focus, comment, and act on individual responses. Find out how to navigate Inbox and what actions you can take within this tool.

Youtube Embed Poster: zH50lUzVGx8

Mastering data essentials: Digest Emails and Form Analytics

In this session we cover two built-in tools that help you manage your form responses: Digest Emails and Form Analytics. Learn how to set up a digest so you can receive periodic updates about form responses and how to navigate the data behind the data with Form Analytics.

Youtube Embed Poster: 5vwFcCy9pDQ

Mastering data essentials: Report Builder

Harness the full potential of data visualization and analysis with Jotform Report Builder. Discover how to seamlessly create dynamic and insightful reports based on form response data.

Youtube Embed Poster: C9AKMjoUEg0
Morgan is the webinar manager at Jotform. She is passionate about helping people do their best work and has spent many years crafting sessions that educate users on how to make the most of a product. Outside of Jotform she tries to explore as much of the world as possible, makes lots of cakes, and goes wine tasting whenever she can. You can reach Morgan through her contact form.

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