danielwiemannGefragt am 7. Februar 2024 um 05:55
ist das Upgrade auf das Silver Abo (294$/jährlich) zeitlich begrenzt oder bleibt der Preis für die gesamte Zeit, in der ich den Tarif genutzt habe?
Außerdem hätte ich gerne ein Angebot für ein Abo ähnlich dem Silver Tarif, jedoch nur mit einem Nutzer mehr zur Erstellung von Formularen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Daniel Wiemann
William_CGeantwortet am 7. Februar 2024 um 08:06
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am using a translator to interpret your question so please bear with me. Feel free to answer back using your preferred language if that would help you express your issue better. If you prefer someone to help you in your local language, just let us know so we can forward it to them. Meanwhile, I will answer your issue in English.
The discounted pricing is an offer that has a limited period. Once the period expires, it will return to its regular pricing. But there may come a time when this offer will be made again such as on holiday events. But the prerogative on this still depends on the management.
As for upgrading with more form creation limits, unfortunately, this is a fixed plan with a fixed limit. We cannot make modifications in the limits for the plan. But under the Enterprise plan, you can have this limit removed so you can have as many number of users for your team to build forms.
There is also another approach for this if you still would like to have collaborators to work with you on your account under a Silver plan, you can make use of the Collaboration feature for your forms and form submissions. You can check out these guides to learn more:
Let us know if you have more questions.
danielwiemannGeantwortet am 7. Februar 2024 um 08:35
Hello William,
Where do we stand price-wise with the Enterprise plan for two users? I believe it might exceed the budget for our purposes. The features of the Silver plan would be sufficient for us, except for the second user. It would be very kind of you to provide me with a quote.
Best regards,
Daniel Wiemann
William_CGeantwortet am 7. Februar 2024 um 08:39
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for getting back to us. For pricing on Enterprise, you can reach out to the Enterprise sales team through this link. Upon submission, an Enterprise Sales Representative shall get back to you through email.
Let us know if you have more questions.