How to automatically capture partially filled form?

  • neleharms
    Gefragt am 12. Februar 2024 um 05:06

    Liebes Jotform-Team,
    ich habe eine eingebettete Umfrage bestehend aus 2 Fragen:
    Frage 1: Wie zufrieden bist du mit den Suchergebnissen auf dieses Seite?

    How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 1 Screenshot 30

    (nur, wenn der Nutzer nicht "positiv" ausgewählt hat)
    Frage 2: Genaueres Feedback im Freitextfeld (optional)

    How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 2 Screenshot 41
    --> Die zweite Frage ist optional und wird erfahrungsgemäß häufig nicht ausgefüllt. Auch klicken sehr viele Nutzer hier nicht mehr auf "Absenden", das wissen wir aus Erfahrung mit einem anderen Umfragetool, wo diese Beantwortungen als unvollständig einlaufen.
    Wir möchten erreichen, dass die Beantwortungen "neutral" und "negativ" in diesen Fällen nicht verloren gehen.
    Die Option mit dem Countdown-Timer haben wir uns angeschaut, aber diese ist nicht an eine Bedingung zu knüpfen, weshalb dies auch nicht funktioniert, wenn man das Formular nicht einfach absenden möchte, während ein User gerade etwas in das Freitextfeld eingibt.

    Gibt es eine Lösung für unseren Usecase?

    Viele Grüße


  • Lorenz Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 12. Februar 2024 um 07:38

    Hi Nele,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our German Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in German, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again. 

    With that said, can you explain a bit more about what exactly you want to do? I'm not exactly sure what the issue is when I checked your form. If you can provide more details, that'll help us assist you better.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • neleharms
    Geantwortet am 12. Februar 2024 um 07:49

    Hi Lorenz,

    I'll try to do it in English, because my first post actually explained my problem in detail.

    You can see both questions in my previous post.
    The first one is mandatory, the second one is only displayed conditionally based on the answers "negative" or "neutral" in the first question. So far, so good.

    However, the second question is optional. So there are a lot of users who don't send the form when seeing the second page of the survey. However, we would need to know all answers of the first question, regardless if they sent the form in the end.

    Does this make sense?

  • Aravir Enterprise Support
    Geantwortet am 12. Februar 2024 um 10:22

    Hi Nele,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get the answer from the first question if your form fillers did not submit the form. Your form fillers will need to submit the form for you to capture the answer from the first question. I suggest removing the page break and just conditionally show the second question based on the answer from the first question. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, remove the Page Break by clicking on Remove Page. How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 1 Screenshot 60
    2. Next, click on Settings in the orange navigation var at the top.
    3. Select Conditions from the left side and click on Add Condition.
    4. Select Show/Hide Field. How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 2 Screenshot 71
    5. Create the condition below; and click on Save. How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 3 Screenshot 82

    Here's the screenshot of the condition:

    How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 4 Screenshot 93

    Checkout the screencast below to see my result:

    How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 5 Screenshot 104

    In that way, your form fillers won't need to go to the next page to submit the form. If you wish to clone my demo form, we have a guide on How to Clone an Existing Form From a URL.

    Let us know if you need any more help.

  • neleharms
    Geantwortet am 12. Februar 2024 um 11:08

    Thanks, Aravir. I had previously already looked into that option. What I am not liking with this option, is that the first question is still displayed for the user and the form gets longer. Do you have a solution for that?

  • Aravir Enterprise Support
    Geantwortet am 12. Februar 2024 um 11:34

    Hello Nele,

    Thanks for getting back to us. You can add the Show/Hide Field condition below instead of the condition I provided above, and delete the other existing condition you have:

    1. Click on Settings in the orange navigation bar at the top.
    2. Select Conditions from the left side.
    3. Hover your mouse over the condition that hides the first question, click the Gear icon and click on Delete. How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 1 Screenshot 50
    4. Create the Show/Hide Field condition below; and click on Save. How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 2 Screenshot 61

    Here's the screenshot of the condition:

    How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 3 Screenshot 72

    Here's how it looks like:

    How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 4 Screenshot 83

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.

  • neleharms
    Geantwortet am 22. Februar 2024 um 11:38

    Hi Aravir,

    thanks for following up.
    I tried your solution and it works from a user/frontend perspective, perfect.

    However, there seems to be an issue from the data perspective:
    Rows 2-4 are my tries WITH the condition --> you can see that the answer of "Wie zufrieden...?" is not filled correctly.

    Row 1 is with the disabled condition --> The answer is filled in correctly.

    How can I solve this?
    How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Aravir Enterprise Support
    Geantwortet am 22. Februar 2024 um 12:09

    Hi Nele,

    Thanks for getting back to us. When I cloned and tested your form, the same thing happened for me. After investigating it a bit, I found a solution. It's really easy to fix. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, click on Settings in the orange navigation bar at the top.
    2. In the Form Settings page, click on Show More Options.
    3. Scroll to Clear Hidden Field Values, click the dropdown, and select Don't Clear.

    How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Checkout the screenshot below to see my result after doing the steps above and enabling the condition:

    How to automatically capture partially filled form? Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Please enable your conditions and try it again.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • neleharms
    Geantwortet am 26. Februar 2024 um 11:31

    Works perfectly fine! Thank you so much! :-)