HansGefragt am 1. September 2021 um 11:16
ich möchte gerne eine Smart pdf Form erstellen, dass generierte Dokument aber erst bereitstellen/versenden, sobald eine entsprechende Zahlung dafür erfolgt ist.
Wie genau wäre das zu bauen? In der Hilfe habe ich keine passende Anleitung finden können.
viele Grüße
Laura Customer Success ManagerGeantwortet am 1. September 2021 um 17:32
Hi Hans,
I understood that you want to create a Smart PDF form, and send the PDF to the customer only after they have completed the payment, is that correct?
Do you want to collect the payment directly on the form?
If so, you can integrate the form into any of our payment integrations to collect payments. When the customer submits the form, they are immediately redirected to the payment site, and the PDF is also automatically sent to the user upon submission.
You can also make the payment field mandatory on your form.
Related guides:
Let us know if you have any further questions.
Our German support team is not currently online, thus I answered you in English.
If you want to receive support in German, please let us know and we will forward your message to our German-speaking support members. -
HansGeantwortet am 2. September 2021 um 02:24
Hi Laura,
thanks for your help and idea. My requirement is that the pdf should only be send after payment- I understood that it will be send parallel with submission and redirection to the payment integration, right??
HansGeantwortet am 2. September 2021 um 02:29
this would be the simplified process
- user fills the conditional form and answer questions
- correct text blocks and Content will be choosen to build the final pdf
- user pays the fee with integrated payment
- after payment user gets the pdf document
do you think this will be possible with jotform?? Sending the document on submission while redirecting to payment would be no option in this case.
Basil_AGeantwortet am 2. September 2021 um 08:33
You would need to create a separate form for the payment and initial questions.
In that case, the PDF would need to be created in the Payment form. You can pass the data from the initial submissions to the Payment form and generate the PDF based on the data in the Payment form.
Normally the document is sent after the Payment is complete in the form.
Is there some process that needs to be done after the initial submission that would require the payment to be done later?
Looking forward to your reply.
HansGeantwortet am 2. September 2021 um 10:33
Ok thanks, this means I need to Link the forms in case of the fields and submissions somehow?
I will need approximately 20-50 conditional fields in form 1 that needs to be transferred to the payment form 2 in a way that the user won’t see them after success payment?
are there any help articles available on this?
Basil_AGeantwortet am 2. September 2021 um 11:48
The issue with Payments is that they need to be done within the first submission of the form, that is why based on your provided workflow, you would need a second form for the payment.
The conditions will not need to be passed, the data can be passed using URL parameters into fields that are hidden in the second form.
Guide on how to pass data between forms: https://www.jotform.com/help/351-how-to-automatically-pass-form-data-to-another-form/
Can you please confirm what will happen exactly after the user fills in the information that is required of them in the first form for us to suggest the best possible workflow?
Looking forward to your reply.
HansGeantwortet am 3. September 2021 um 06:55
Hi Basil,
thanks for your suggestion to solve this.
so far I understood that I need to build:
form A:
- questions & input fields for pdf content
- payment integration
- no document generation
- redirect to form B after payment
linked form B:
- Shows created document from input fields from form A
- asks for email adress
- after submission the created document will be send to email
is this the idea?
Tommaso_FGeantwortet am 3. September 2021 um 07:29
Hello Hans,
It's a valid flow how you elaborate it. Please proceed and if you have any difficulties, we're here to help.