HabeggerGefragt am 22. September 2021 um 15:08
Guten Tag
Ich habe versucht mein Jotfom Abo von Starter auf Bronze upzugraden. Bei der Bezahlung habe ich drei verschiedene Kreditkarten verwendet. Alle drei wurden abgelehnt. Im selben Zeitraum konnte ich jedoch Zahlungen bei anderen Anbietern erfolgreich durchführen. Kann es sein, dass ein Problem mit Ihrem Payment Gateway vorliegt?
Beste Grüsse
Markus Habegger
Vanessa_TGeantwortet am 23. September 2021 um 03:01
It could be that your bank is preventing you from making international payments. Please also make sure that you have enough funds in your account and account for possible taxes.
If the issue persists, please let us know if you're trying to upgrade to a Bronze Yearly or Bronze Monthly so we can provide alternative payment option.
HabeggerGeantwortet am 23. September 2021 um 04:14
Hey Vanessa, I've tried with three different credit cards (2xMasterCard, 1xVisa). All cards are well funded and have been used for international payment in the past. I embed the form on a squarespace page and used one of the cards to upgrade the squarespace plan just 5 minutes before using the same card to upgrade the jotform plan. It worked fine for the international payment to squarespace. I also tried different browsers (Firefox, Chrome & Safari). Payment failed in all cases. So I don't see any other options on my end. Can you offer me any other payment solutions?
Kind regards, Markus
Vanessa_TGeantwortet am 23. September 2021 um 05:49
Yes, sure, we can provide you an alternative method to upgrade. Please confirm if you'll be upgrading to a Bronze Monthly, Bronze Yearly or which plan and what term?
HabeggerGeantwortet am 29. Oktober 2021 um 05:23
Hey Vanessa
Tried again with another card and it worked fine now. So I'm a happy Bronze plan yearly customer now ;)
Cheers. Markus -
MikeGeantwortet am 29. Oktober 2021 um 06:55
Thank you for your update. If you need further assistance, please let us know. We will be happy to help.