vicky boerjanGefragt am 5. Januar 2022 um 13:25
Kan ik via een betaalformulier van jotform op een website, klanten doorverwijzen naar de app om dan via de app een audiofile van een rondleiding, een audiotour te beluisteren?
Dus enkel tegen betaling kan men luisteren via de app van Jotform naar de audiotour: zou dit mogelijk zijn?
Alvast bedankt,
Vicky Boerjan
PS: if I have to translate my question in English, let me know.
Laura Customer Success ManagerGeantwortet am 5. Januar 2022 um 19:39
Hi Vicky,
Our Dutch Support is not available today, thus I am answering you in English.
If I understood correctly, you want to add an audio file to your Jotform app, and make the file available only for paid users.People who have link to the app will be able to access the app. If you don't share the app link with anyone, and create a payment form, that redirects to the app, you will be able to provide the audio file to the users only when they have filled out the payment form.
Here is our guide on how to redirect to a different page when a form is submitted:
If I would have misunderstood your question, please let me know. -
vickyboerjan5Geantwortet am 12. Januar 2022 um 14:38
Thank you very much for your answer. This time I will type in English (I hope with not to many faults).
I'll look into it to make a form and an app. It was by coincidence that I discovered Jotform (perhaps not so known in Belgium/The Netherlands) , it's a great discovery because jotform can solve some of my digital problems. Only one question: is there a limit to use audiofiles (I'm also an author and can use jotform this way also for an audiobook).
Second question: I have to make an inventory at home, i would use the app to take pictures of the objects, but I should be able that the pictures + -details of the objects can be printed (they have te be signed for juridical reasons). I don't know if I could put this in a table that can be printed or do I have to look for integrations with for example Airtable?Thank you very much,
Vicky Boerjan
Laura Customer Success ManagerGeantwortet am 12. Januar 2022 um 15:55
Hi Vicky,
If you want to embed audio files on your form, there is no limit for this, and you can use for example SoundCloud to do this.
If you want to receive audio files as file uploads on your form, you can use the File Upload field to do so.
The max file size per upload is 1GB, and the max files per form are 25 files.
Besides this Jotform accounts has a limited upload space, based on the account type. Here are the upload spaces for each account:
Free plan - 100 MB
Bronze plan - 10 GB
Silver plan - 100 GB
Gold plan - 1 TB
For example with the Free account, once you have received audio files, you can save them to your computer, and delete them from Jotform to free up space to receive more new audio files.
To print inventories with images, you can create your inventory as a PDF Report. When you print out the PDF report, the images uploaded to the form will be printed exactly how you have configured them to show on the PDF Report.
Here is our guide to editing PDF Reports:
We also have support in Dutch, however they were not online at the time I answered you, thus I answered on their behalf in English. If you would prefer to receive support in Dutch, please let us know and we will forward your message to our Dutch-speaking support members.