Ich bekomme keine recovery mail fürs passwort

  • Dena
    Gefragt am 13. Januar 2022 um 06:23


    Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen und bekomme keine recovery mail fürs Passwort.



  • Kenneth Enterprise Support
    Geantwortet am 13. Januar 2022 um 07:03

    Thank you for reaching support,

    Can you please try to use a different browser(private window/incognito mode) to request for the reset password?

    Here is how: https://www.jotform.com/help/489-how-to-reset-jotform-account-password/.

    Awaiting your response.


  • Suedgraf
    Geantwortet am 13. Januar 2022 um 07:11
    I did but still nothing. In the meantime I recorgnized that I need
    access to my other account with the mailadress denamoncef@yahoo.de as
    well. I also did not received any recovery mail here.
    Viele Grüße
    Dena Moncef
    ****** *
    Zufrieden? Dann bewerten Sie Südgraf auf google

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    Am 13.01.22 um 13:03 schrieb Jotform:
  • Christian Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 13. Januar 2022 um 07:49

    Hi there

    Thank you for giving us an update.

    We are not seeing any account associated with the email address you are currently using, nor with the email address that you provided. Can you please provide us with the URL of at least one of the forms in the account(s) that you're trying to access so we can trace it?

    We will wait for your response. Thank you!


  • Dena
    Geantwortet am 14. Januar 2022 um 04:05
  • Kenneth Enterprise Support
    Geantwortet am 14. Januar 2022 um 05:06

    Hi there,

    The form https://form.jotform.com/210695343835056 is under the username su***raf.mo**l and email address s**dg**f.m**il@gm***.c**.

    If you are familiar with those credentials, you may log in using it, then once logged in, you may head over to the SETTINGS and change the email address:

    1642154691 61e14ac33a4f4 s1 Screenshot 10

    Here is the related guide: https://www.jotform.com/help/1271.
