Ich komme nicht in meinen account

  • Andrea Schauf
    Gefragt am 13. Januar 2022 um 13:02

    Bitte Hilfe ich komme nicht in meinen account und das Bewerbungsformular was wir heute in eine Stelleanzeige verlinkt haben ist nicht zu erreichen.

    Andrea Schauf

  • Laura Customer Success Manager
    Geantwortet am 13. Januar 2022 um 17:02

    Hi Andrea,

    It seems that your account is suspended.
    I have forwarded it to our reviewer team for checking, and as soon as we hear back from them, we will inform you.

  • Andres
    Geantwortet am 13. Januar 2022 um 17:15

    Thank you, for what reason could that be? I really need that Form for the RECRUITing process. It ist is rdamaging my whole recruiting campagne.

    Please come back soon

    Kind regards


  • Laura Customer Success Manager
    Geantwortet am 13. Januar 2022 um 18:51

    Hi Andrea,

    We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    It seems that our phishing detector has suspended your account. It might get triggered for example from specific words found on the form or in the email. If our reviewers do not find any offending fields on the form, we will activate your account and whitelist the forms so that it will not happen again.

    We have not yet heard from our reviewer team, but hopefully will soon so please wait just a bit longer.
    As soon as we have updates, we will inform you on this ticket.

  • Laura Customer Success Manager
    Geantwortet am 13. Januar 2022 um 21:18

    Hi again Andrea,

    Your account was mistakenly suspended by our automated phishing detector.
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

    We have activated your account, and you should be able to log in now.
    Also your forms are whitelisted, so this should now happen again in the future.

    If you would still encounter any issues with your account, please let us know.

    Have a great day!