Lene SGefragt am 27. April 2022 um 05:46
Hei, jeg er en fotograf som gjerne skulle begynt å sende digitale kontrakter til mine kunder.
Jeg har forskjellige typer kunder, fra familie og bryllup, til bedrift, så jeg trenger i hvertfall tre forskjellige kontrakter.
Noe som ingen andre kontrakt-tilbydere har kunnet tilby, er muligheten til at kunden selv fyller inn for eksempel sitt eget navn, forlovers navn, barnets navn, og annet. Er dette mulig i Jotform?
Og når de sender det tilbake til meg/signerer, da er det en gyldig kontrakt?
Jeg har satt meg som mål å ha ca 8 kunder i måneden.
Har alt dette en pris, eller går det under "Start"-abonnementet?
Vennlig hilsen Fotograf Lene
Kenneth Enterprise SupportGeantwortet am 27. April 2022 um 06:47
Hello Lene S,
Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. It is possible for users to fill out the form, submit it, and have the completed form forwarded over for signing to complete the process using our Jotform Approvals. Also, this feature is available across all tiers including the Free users.
Let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Lene SGeantwortet am 27. April 2022 um 08:04
Thank you for your answer!
1-On the "Start"-free user, will I be able to store about 150 contracts pr/year?
2-What will happen when the storage reaches 100 MB?
3-Will it force me over on a paid subscription?
4-And is it possible to store the contracts locally on my computer?
5-And you are located in USA, are the contracts also stored in servers in USA, or do you have servers in Europe (thinking about GDPR)?Best regards, Photographer Lene
Jessica Jotform SupportGeantwortet am 27. April 2022 um 08:24
Hello Lene S,
Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. With Free account, it is possible to store up to 500 submissions without a time limit. The submissions will only be deleted if you have deleted it from your account. When the account had reached the Upload Space of 100MB, an over quota error message will appear. To resolve this when it happens, we kindly ask you to delete the unused file attachment so that the form will continue to work normally.
We will never force you to pay for any subscription. However, please note that the Free account limitation still applies. This limitation can be found on this page. It is possible to store files locally by downloading the submissions. Jotform also has a server in Europe. To learn more about our GDPR compliance, please refer to this page.
Let us know if you have other questions.