Kunde sucht nach einer Lösung um Bewerber einzusammeln, um dann darin mit Endkunden zu selektieren...

  • Jörg Jäger
    Gefragt am 26. August 2022 um 10:44


    folgende Frage:

    Ich habe nur mal quer geschaut, was Jotform so kann und hier und da schon davon gehört.

    Eine Kunde möchte kurzfristig eine Lösung haben,

    1. wo er Bewerber für eine Sendung über Web/Mobile castet,
    2. um dann in der Liste der Bewerber (paar Textfelder plus Bilder plus Video) die gewünschten zu selektieren
    3. Das soll der Endkunde und die Mitarbeiter des Kunden können.
    4. Dafür müsste man dann Zugriffe (Accounts) erstellen und verwalten können.

    Optionaler Step2

    1. Die Daten per Rest API in eine Datenbank übertragen.

    Das müsste doch gut in Jotform funktionieren...

    Wo lese ich die zugehörige Info nach. Hatte mir schon Templates angeschaut.

    Wie ich dann gesammelte Daten anschaue kann habe ich noch nicht gefunden...

    Vielen Dank für eine kurze Nachricht...


  • Joram_Perucho
    Geantwortet am 26. August 2022 um 11:20

    Hello Jörg,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. If I understand correctly, you would want another user to access the form. This is possible by adding collaborators. Should you want to have a sub-user, this can be done with the Enterprise account. Should you want to know more about the API, please check this guide.

    If this is not exactly what you need, could you give us more details about this so we can give better assistance?

  • jjj3
    Geantwortet am 26. August 2022 um 11:31

    Hi Joram_P,

    thanks for the quick reply.

    It is for a model agency which is working for 3 main client.

    The would like to have a form which the would customize a little per client.

    If candidates fill in for a new project, they would like to see them in jotform together with their clients.

    Project1 and Project3 with client1 ,

    Project2 with client2 and

    Project4 and Project5 with client3.

    Collaborators is more to build forms together - as far as I understood.

    They have like 10 to 100 candidates per month.

    Would they need an Enterprise account?

    Best wishes from Germany! JJJ:)

  • Joram_Perucho
    Geantwortet am 26. August 2022 um 12:55

    Hi Jörg,

    Thank you for sharing these details. The collaboration feature will also allow you to share your form tables and manage them with others publicly or privately. But since you've given us more detailed information about this, here's my suggestion. Assuming that each project refers to each form, you may set up your Notifications Email.

    By using your example, 'Project 1 and project 3 with client 1'. In form 1 and form 3, you can add client 1's email. This way, whenever a candidate fills up these forms, it will also be received by client 1 in his/her email. This does not require users to have an Enterprise plan. You may refer to the guide below on how to successfully do this:

    1. In your Form Builder, click on the Settings tab.
    2. Choose Emails on the left side menu.
    3. Click Add an Email.
    4. Then choose Notifications Email.

    1661532867 6308fac32c183 notifications e Screenshot 10

    You may do a test submission after adding the recipient's email.

    Give it a try and let us know if this works for you.