Stephanie WarlichGefragt am 3. Januar 2023 um 11:00
Hey there,
I need 3 bills for my payment.
The first transaction number is DC 0613 XX2977610054XX (PL) 8,90€
The next Transactionnumber is DC 5D67 XX2977547315XX (PL) 11,60€
And the last one is DC2122 XX2977492500XX (PL) 20,70
Stephanie WarlichGeantwortet am 3. Januar 2023 um 11:05
Hey there,
I need 3 bills for my payment.
The first transaction number is DC 0613 XX2977610054XX (PL) 8,90€
The next Transactionnumber is DC 5D67 XX2977547315XX (PL) 11,60€
And the last one is DC2122 XX2977492500XX (PL) 20,70
Dagmar_BGeantwortet am 5. Januar 2023 um 02:52
Hi Stephanie,
Thank you for contacting support. However, you have reached Jotform Support and not at PayU Support. We do not have any access to your account. The email you started this thread with has no connected Jotfrom acocunt. SHould you have a Jotfrom account please let us konw he account name or email so we can check if there is aprobelml with the PayU integration. If you do not have an account at jotform it is likely that you authorised a payment via a form that was created by us. You would need to try to find out which website the form was on and then look for the imprint on that website.
If you have a form and want to find out more about the integration with PayU you can read more on this page.
If you don't remember a website but remember a form, you can send us the URL of the form and we'll check if it's a legitimate, compliant form.