JensGefragt am 13. Januar 2023 um 16:32
Ich kann mich nicht mehr anmelden. Beim einloggens steht: SUSPENDED.
Was muss ich tun? info@wirtschaftsteacher.de
Marvin_JGeantwortet am 16. Januar 2023 um 07:37
Hi Jens,
Thanks for contacting Jotform Support. I have checked your account and it was flagged as Phishing.
We understand this might not be the case with your form, yet we had to act according to the general rule to be in compliance with our Terms:
In order to reactivate your account, we will have to delete the offending form. Or, kindly provide us the following information:
1. The URL where your form is used.
2. Your website or proof of affiliation to a legitimate institution.We also need you to change your registered email to a corporate one to avoid getting flagged again by our phishing detector.
Send these proofs to reviewers@jotform.com with Thread #4766410 as your subject. We will let you know about the status of your account after a thorough review of your proofs.
Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.