What is monthly reply limit?

  • Sara
    Gefragt am 16. Februar 2023 um 08:16

    2.) ich verstehe das ehrlich gesagt nicht mit dem limit für monatlich antworten. was genau ist damit gemeint? und was ist mit formular limit gemeint?

    wir sind eine bootsschule und für die Theorieprüfung gibt es einen Multiple Choice Test, diesen würde ich gerne abbilden. Es sind ca. 300 Fragen mit jeweils 3 Antwortmöglichkeiten wobei immer 1 richtig ist. Was für einen Plan bräuchte ich hierfür? Heißt 100 monatliche Antworten dass 100 Personen montalich das Quiz benutzen können oder dass ich maximal 100 antwortmöglichkeiten haben darf?

  • Joram_Perucho
    Geantwortet am 16. Februar 2023 um 08:25

    Hello Sara,

    Just to make sure I understand you correctly, are you referring to the monthly views of your form? This refers to the number of times that your forms have been viewed. for example, with the Free plan, you have a limit of 1000 views per month. You may know more about this by visiting this link.

    If this is not exactly what you were referring to, could you highlight which part of it and send it as a screenshot so we can check it for you?

  • Sara
    Geantwortet am 16. Februar 2023 um 08:40
    Hi Joram,
    thanks for your quick answer.
    No i dont mean the views, i mean the first and the second part from the
    so in the free plan it says : 5 formularlimit (what exactly is that?)
    and the second: 100 monthly responses....(what is that?)
    Am Do., 16. Feb. 2023 um 14:25 Uhr schrieb Jotform :
  • Glenn_T Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 16. Februar 2023 um 08:56

    Hello Sara,

    Thanks for getting back to us. To clarify, that is a form limit, and if you are under the free subscription, you can only create 5 forms. Also, for the monthly submissions, it means that you can only submit 100 submissions with your forms per month. You may also opt to increase the inclusions by upgrading your plan. I would suggest going to this page to see the differences between each plan's prices.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • Sara
    Geantwortet am 16. Februar 2023 um 09:55
    Thats the thing.
    i dont understand what form means...
  • Christy Enterprise Support
    Geantwortet am 16. Februar 2023 um 10:10

    Hi Sara,

    Thank you for getting back to us. The form is the one you create using our Form Builder which you can build from scratch or by using a template. Please note that the maximum number of forms that can be active under a Free plan is 5.

    On the other hand, the 100 submission allotment is the total number of entries/responses from all your forms, which your account can receive every month. When you hit these monthly limits, you can either wait for the counter to reset which happens on the first day of each month, or upgrade your account to increase your limits. Our plans and features are available here.

    Please note that you have a total Submission Storage limit which is 500 which applies to the total number of forms (does not matter if you have a single form or multiple forms). Some forms may receive more number of submissions, while others may receive fewer, as long as the total number of submissions does not exceed 500. If you have more than 500 submission data stored in your account, the oldest submission data will be deleted to make way for the new submission.

    Reach out again if there's anything else we can do for you.