majidtaheriGefragt am 17. März 2023 um 03:34
I created and saved some products last night. Now everything is gone. are they deleted? What happened that saved files are no longer there?
thanks in advance
Ich habe gestern abend einige Produkte angelegt und gespeichert. Jetzt ist alles nicht mehr da. sind die gelöscht? Was ist passiert, dass gespeicherte Datein nicht mehr da sind?
Danke im Voraus
viele Grüße /Best regards
Majid Taheri
FrankG_translatorGeantwortet am 17. März 2023 um 03:35
Hallo Majid,
Thanks for getting back to us. Could you let me know what form you were editing? Can you check if you can restore the product using the revision feature? Let me show you how:
- In Form Builder, select the save status text at the top just below the form name to open Revision History. (The text would either say “Last edited” or “All changes saved.”)
- In the Revision History pane on the right, choose a revision to review.
- Click on the revision’s Revert button to restore it.
Give it a try and let us know how it goes.