KraemmelGefragt am 13. Juli 2023 um 09:52
Guten Tag,
bis dato haben wir Ihr Portal noch nicht von unserem DSB prüfen lassen, würden dies jedoch gern tun.
Könnten Sie mir Informationen geben wo ich alle Unterlagen wie Auftragsdatenverarbeitungsrichtlinien etc. finde?
VIelen Dank
Harshad_P Enterprise SupportGeantwortet am 13. Juli 2023 um 12:05
Hi Vlelen,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our German Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in German, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.
Now, let me help you with your question. I understand you are looking for information on Jotform Data security. You can check out our security page for more information. Particularly for GDPR information, you can check out this page.
Reach out to us if you need any more help.