Select Fields to be Updated in Submission Edit Mode

  • hniemann
    Gefragt am 26. Oktober 2023 um 11:21
    Is it also possible to define specific areas that the respective users can edit during the approval process?

    Let's say the user sends the form with an order. The technical manager approves three out of four items. How can I prevent that when the user selects that he has received the items, he doesn't select the checkbox of the unapproved item after all.

  • Jovanne Support Team Lead
    Geantwortet am 26. Oktober 2023 um 11:41

    Hi Hendrek.

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support.  You can disable selected fields during submission edit mode using Conditional Logic and the Get Form Page URL widget. Let me show you how to set it up:

    • Add the  Get Form Page URL widgetSelect Fields to be Updated in Submission Edit Mode Image 1 Screenshot 40
    • Click on the Settings tab at the top part of the Form Builder.
    • Select Conditions on the left panel of the screen.
    • Click +Add a new condition.

    Select Fields to be Updated in Submission Edit Mode Image 2 Screenshot 51

    • Select Enable/Require Field and set your rule just like what is shown below:

    Select Fields to be Updated in Submission Edit Mode Image 3 Screenshot 62

    That's it. Let us know if you have any other questions.