Jotform Kundenstories
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Leistungsstarke Formulare machen’s möglich

Jotform AI Agents help a Dallas real estate firm save valuable time
Zur Case Study

South Carolina Independent School Association saves 40 hours per week with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How an Ohio wildlife rehab uses Jotform to save more animals
Zur Case Study

How Michael Cassel Group saves 160 hours every year with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How a NYC theater company uses Jotform to foster inclusivity
Zur Case Study

How Jotform helps a pop-up market create more business opportunities for women of color
Zur Case Study

How a tattoo artist brings dreams to life with Jotform Workflows
Zur Case Study

Wie Jotform einem kleinen Reiseunternehmen dabei hilft, mehr Zeit mit Kunden zu verbringen
Zur Case Study

Data Interactive delivers holistic solutions and huge savings
Zur Case Study

How Planet Fitness streamlines HR and more with 3,000+ Jotform workflows
Zur Case Study

RAASM USA solidifies customer relationships with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How CoverManager uses Jotform for Salesforce to help thousands of restaurants thrive
Zur Case Study

How OOXii delivers global vision care with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

Foodlink maximizes resources and secures e-signatures with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

A community organization uses Salesforce and Jotform to help strengthen families
Zur Case Study

How Jotform Workflows saved Kaisercraft $40,000 and automated hiring for over 100 stores
Zur Case Study

How Jotform helped a clinic cut patient processing time by 80%
Zur Case Study

How Freedom Boat Club doubles productivity and reduces turnaround times with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How Jazeera Airways reduced paper consumption by 4,400 pounds with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport keeps 11 million passengers moving with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

ExCel London automates 94% of manual emails with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd. verwaltet sein Geschäft mit Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

Miami-Dade County Public Schools automates complex processes with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

Career Path Services creates access to jobs and housing with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How Jotform helps Women’s Wilderness promote women’s empowerment
Zur Case Study

How Sterling Administration uses Jotform Enterprise and AI to ensure the safety of seniors
Zur Case Study

How Santa Barbara Zoo uses Jotform to hold votings for animal names
Zur Case Study

How Jotform helps Mountain West Conference save 50% in admin time
Zur Case Study

How Flint Hill School’s learning specialists use Jotform Tables to best serve their students
Zur Case Study

Jotform loyal for 10+ years, a solopreneur has no plans to change
Zur Case Study

How New Wheel uses Jotform to scale its e-bike business
Zur Case Study

A dissertation consulting firm saves time and improves marketing with Jotform
Zur Case Study

Electrical Testing Ltd save time by 50% with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How a family-owned jewelry business modernized operations with Jotform
Zur Case Study

Digital solutions help Literacy Pittsburgh improve lives through learning
Zur Case Study

How CitizenShipper uses Jotform to reunite thousands of pets with their loved ones
Zur Case Study

Wie Red Panda Jotform nutzt, um die fortschrittlichsten Gitarrenpedale der Welt zu verkaufen
Zur Case Study

Honor Health Network supercharges home care with Jotform Enterprise and Egnyte
Zur Case Study

How Horatio streamlines business operations with Jotform
Zur Case Study

How Chandler, Arizona, is going paperless with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

Die University of Michigan bezeichnet Jotform Enterprise als „game-changer“
Zur Case Study

Wie der Landkreis Marin mit Jotform Enterprise papierlos wird
Zur Case Study

Die Arbor Day Foundation erweitert ihren Auftrag mit Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

Der Zoo von Cincinnati optimiert seine Prozesse mit Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

Odyssey Charter Schools automatisiert die Verwaltung mit Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How iTOTEM cut processing times by 25% with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

Tinley Park Public Library engages its community with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How Jotform Store Builder helped a food cart go online
Zur Case Study

Jotform and Salesforce help an event production company collect lead info and client assets
Zur Case Study

How a fintech firm uses Jotform and Salesforce to help home buyers
Zur Case Study

An architectural audio company improves customer communication with Jotform and Salesforce
Zur Case Study

One to One Health enhances health services and proves ROI with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

United Way Roanoke Valley empowers staff and engages its community with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

A U.K. charity overhauls its fund application & distribution processes with Jotform and Salesforce
Zur Case Study

Body Brave verbessert mit Jotform Enterprise den Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen und seine Dienstleistungen
Zur Case Study

Wie OrthoIllinois mit Jotform Enterprise seine Arbeitsweise und Entscheidungsfindung verbessert
Zur Case Study

YMCA Colombia increases organizational impact with Jotform
Zur Case Study

Wie Jotform ein E-Business-Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, die Bildung von Mädchen in Afrika zu fördern
Zur Case Study

How a custom apparel company turned to Jotform to save time
Zur Case Study

How a famous restaurant chain uses Jotform Enterprise for HR processes
Zur Case Study

How New Riff Distilling uses Jotform to be more efficient
Zur Case Study

How First Tee Greater Detroit uses Jotform to empower youth through golf
Zur Case Study

Die Produktivität der Universidad Francisco de Vitoria wird durch Jotform Enterprise gesteigert
Zur Case Study

How a consultant uses Jotform Sign to simplify client processes
Zur Case Study

Three Rivers Park District verwaltet 27.000 Hektar mit Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How a growth agency simplified appointment scheduling with Jotform
Zur Case Study

How TikTok influencer Chris Guerra connects with followers through Jotform
Zur Case Study

Wie CiviLaw.Tech Jotform Enterprise nutzt, um Gerechtigkeit zu schaffen
Zur Case Study

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences creates custom enrollment experiences with Jotform Enterprise
Zur Case Study

How a charcuterie business uses Jotform to thrive during the pandemic
Zur Case Study

How Jotform Apps helped EWYN Studios thrive during the pandemic
Zur Case Study

How Jotform Apps reduced Burger King New Zealand’s workload
Zur Case Study

Jotform Enterprise hilft Reach, zu wachsen und relevante Inhalte zu liefern
Zur Case Study

How The Pitch uses Jotform to help startups get investment ready
Zur Case Study

See how Pasadena City College securely manages data for 26,000+ students each year
Zur Case Study

How Park County, Montana, uses Jotform to tackle the pandemic
Zur Case Study

Wie Mike's Bikes Jotform zur Umsatzsteigerung nutzt
Zur Case Study

How a trade show organizer used Jotform to re-strategize in 2020
Zur Case Study

How an entrepreneurial family uses Jotform for remote hiring
Zur Case Study

How a professor uses Jotform Tables to manage student appointments
Zur Case Study

How Crush the Curve uses Jotform and BlueSnap to combat COVID-19
Zur Case Study

How Dr. Miami uses Jotform to collect patient information
Zur Case Study

How a digital conference uses Jotform to secure presenters
Zur Case Study

How to present results and gain support with Jotform Report Builder
Zur Case Study

How to ditch paper and collect data for PDFs through mobile forms
Zur Case Study

How a NYT best-selling author sells books online
Zur Case Study

How a church uses reports to improve services and offer support
Zur Case Study

Wie die Bobcat Company Formulare für Inspektionsberichte zuweist
Zur Case Study

Wie Cycle Party mit Jotform Formulare einfach zuweisen kann
Zur Case Study

How a rescue uses Jotform to find new homes for dogs
Zur Case Study

How a San Francisco law school uses Jotform to conduct student surveys
Zur Case Study

Want to go green? Be like this Seattle company
Zur Case Study

Wie Jones Soda mithilfe von Jotform mit Kunden in Kontakt tritt
Zur Case Study

How Jotform + Slack gives a big dog bed maker a leg up
Zur Case Study

How mobile forms keep an outdoor adventure group in the loop
Zur Case Study

How online forms help a baby photographer manage her workflow
Zur Case Study

How this California photographer uses Jotform to collect data
Zur Case Study

How Doist uses Jotform to collect discount applications
Zur Case Study

Skate Like a Girl: How forms support a positive tool for change
Zur Case Study

Die Bearbeitung von mehr als 2.500 Bewerbungen von Studenten ist für Outward Bound California ein Kinderspiel
Zur Case Study

How a World-Renowned Tattoo Artist Manages Her Business with Jotform
Zur Case Study

How Cali Party Bus Books Passengers with Jotform
Zur Case Study

Learn How an Organic Farm Uses Jotform for Customer Orders
Zur Case Study

Complex Orders Made Easy: Jotform is Icing on the Cake for Busy Bakery
Zur Case Study
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