Planta_ExternaFecha de consulta 25 de marzo de 2024, 13:01
Buen dia
Tengo en el plan Bronce 1 GB de memoria que la utilizo y descargo semanalmente, pero cuando reviso siempre tengo llena mi capacidad, asi lo borre y lo descargue de nada me sirve pork estoy perdiendo informacion valiosa para mi.
Agredezco me puedan indicar como se puede borrar la informacion, yo no neceisto que me la tengan 30 dias, yo tengo un repositorio donde tengo almacenando esta infromacion.
Tanpoco creo que la solucion se ha comprar espacio que no voy acupar unicamente necesito es que me liberen el espacio que contrate. Yo me encargo de la administracion de mi repositorio.
Quedo atento a su respuesta.
Christopher Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 25 de marzo de 2024, 15:10
Hi henryruizp,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.
Now, let me help you with your question. You will need to purge the deleted submission data to clear out your Upload Space. Here's how to do it:
How to delete Submission Data:
- In Tables, hover your cursor over the first column of the submission data and click on the checkbox to select the submission data.
- On the right side of the screen, click on Delete.
How to purge deleted Submission data:
- In Tables, click on the three vertical dots icon beside the Tab name.
- Click on Trashed entries.
- Click on the checkbox beside Select All.
- Click on Delete Forever.
You may also check out this guide about How to Delete Form Submission Data. I have reviewed your account and currently, you have not just exceeded the Upload Space but also the monthly submission limit. You can check out your account usage and limits on this page. You can increase your monthly submission limit for free by doing the available tasks provided on this page. To know more about account usage and limits, check out this guide.
Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
Planta_ExternaFecha de respuesta 26 de marzo de 2024, 11:06
Ya realice le proceso de eliminiar definitivamente los archivos (Tabla), pero aun continuo con la capacidad al maximo.
Quedo debo hacer mas para borrar definitivamente la data.
Henry Ruiz
Christopher Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 26 de marzo de 2024, 11:15
Hi henryruizp,
Thanks for getting back to us. I have manually recalculated your account usage and currently, your Upload Space usage is at 0 B / 1 GB. Your account status is now back to Active, and I am able to access your forms without any issues as shown in the screenshots.
Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.
Planta_ExternaFecha de respuesta 8 de abril de 2024, 10:52
Buen dia
Porque siempre que se me llena el buzon, hago la descarga de mis archivos y los borro permanentemente, pero me continua el buzon lleno.
Cual es el problema que tienen con esto, se supone que si borro mi data m deberia liberar el esapacion que tengo en mi plan.
Agradezco que me resulevan el probelma porque cada 8 dias tengo ese probelma y me bloquean para llenar los formuarios
Henry Ruiz
Christopher Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 8 de abril de 2024, 10:56
Hi Henry,
I have manually recalculated your account Upload Space and currently, your Upload Space usage is at 0 B / 1 GB. Since this is a recurring issue, I have gone ahead and escalated this thread to our Developer Team. Once updates are available, we will let you know via this thread
Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.
Ayça Jotform DeveloperFecha de respuesta 14 de mayo de 2024, 10:20
Hi Henry,
We are sorry that this is happening. After deleting submissions that contain files in the trash, upload space will be decreased. This reflects the account after recalculating usage operation and this operation takes time. To be clear and give you the remaining time info, we added the notification to the usage page in settings and also the account box.
Account box:
Usage page in settings:
If you require further assistance, please feel free to contact us.