telefontacomunicacionesFecha de consulta 8 de mayo de 2024, 13:00
necesito que me ayudes en lo siguiente, tengo un listado de aproximadamente 30 electrodomesticos en donde el usuario puede escoger varios, para enviar a reparar, sin embargo, cada electrodomestico tiene unas caracteristicas particulares, es decir, cada uno puede tener, marcao modelo, serial, estado del electrodomestico, e incluso el detalle de la averia del mismo, mi pregunta es, que camino existe para que cuando el usuario escoja, no se, 3 o 4 electrodomesticos, yo le pueda solicitar las caracteristicas de cada electrodomestico seleccionado. agradezco tu respuesta
Rene Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 8 de mayo de 2024, 16:06
Hi telefontacomunicaciones,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.
Now, coming back to your question, I believe you are looking into creating a form wherein multiple items can be selected, and their details can be entered based on the information you want to gather. This can be easily achieved by using the Multiple Choice field element for the items needed to be selected and use a widget like the Dynamic Textbox to enter details like serial numbers, and other details.
Before we proceed, the demo form already has basic fields added like Name and Email, assuming you will also ask for those details. Let's start:
- In Form Builder, click Add Form Element on the left.
- Under Basic tab, look for Multiple Choice and add it into your form.
- Next, click the gear (Properties) icon next to the field.
- Rename the title under General tab.
- Go to Options tab and start adding the list of appliance you want included. Please make sure to press the Enter key on your keyboard for each item, so they can be considered as individual options.
- After that, follow steps 1-5 again to add the Brand field. Once done, it should look like this:
Now, we need to add the Dynamic Textbox so you can use it to enter the serial numbers for each appliance chosen. By default, only once box will show up and the for user can just click Add Row if they want to add more entries using the said widget. Here's how:
- Click Add Form Element again and go to Widgets tab.
- Search for Dynamic Textbox and add it into your form.
- Automatically, the widget's settings will show up so you can make some changes to the widget, like the number of textboxes, and such.
- Scroll down and click Update Widget once done.
- Click the gear (Properties) icon and go to Advanced tab to update the widget title.
As for the characteristics part, this will already depend on how you want to get the data for it. If you have a pre-made description or list of characteristics you want to use that will apply generally to all the appliances in your form, you can use the Multiple Choice field for that. If the description you're looking for is short and precise, use the Dynamic Textbox.
However, if you are looking for a more detailed explanation of the characteristics you're looking for, it is best to use a Long Text field for that, as the details need to be to typed manually. The said field will be used for this demo. Let's start:
- Click Add Form Element again and under Basic tab, look for Long Text.
- Add it into your form and update its title.
To make your form look more professional and clean, I suggest adding Conditional Logic to your fields. That way, some fields will be initially hidden unless specific criteria is met. For example, unless the form user chooses an appliance first, the rest of the fields will not show up. Here's how to set the conditions.
- In Form Builder, click Settings on the orange navigation bar.
- Select Conditions on the left panel and click Show/Hide Field.
- From there, set up the conditions for each field.
- Make sure to hit Save after setting up each condition.
Here's a screenshot of one of the conditions created for the form:
Now that everything has been set, let's test the form. Here's how it'll work once previewed:
Check out the demo form so you can have a basis of the steps made to create the form. You can clone it if needed.
telefontacomunicacionesFecha de respuesta 8 de mayo de 2024, 17:43
no resuelve mi inquietud, no se esta asociando cada uno de los electrodomésticos, con serie, modelo, estado, es decir en el ejemplo que me pones si se puede seleccionar los electrodomésticos y los modelos, además se puede ingresar las serien, pero como sabemos cual es la serie de cual, o como sabemos cual es el estado de cual?, no hay claridad en eso. NO RESULVES MI DUDA. TE GRADEZCO SI ME COLABORAS CON LA SOLUCION
telefontacomunicacionesFecha de respuesta 8 de mayo de 2024, 17:56
Lo que espero es que si por ejemplo, escogio la opcion de refrigerador, pueda ingresar los datos de ese refrigerador, y no pueda seleccionar los siguientes hasta tanto haya ingresado los datos de este, y asi sucesivamente. o si hay otra forma, me la indicas por favor.
Rene Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 8 de mayo de 2024, 18:27
Hi telefontacomunicaciones,
Thanks for reaching us back. I apologize if the steps provided above didn't meet your requirements. If you wish to align every single data in your form, I believe it is best for you to use a dropdown menu for this. This is to make sure that for every appliance chosen from the first dropdown menu, the second dropdown will provide the list of brands to be selected by the form user. And then, the 3rd will then show the list of serial numbers that they can select from, and finally a text box or another dropdown menu for characteristics and state.
Please note, however, that this will not create a multiple choice menu. Instead, every detail will be picked one by one, so the exact information can be selected based on previous options selected. You can try this updated demo form and see if this'll work for you. Also, you may need to duplicate the Appliance dropdown, so form users will be able to select multiple appliances and pick the corresponding information accordingly.
Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.
telefontacomunicacionesFecha de respuesta 8 de mayo de 2024, 18:48
y en que momento puede seleccionar otro electrodomestico?, es que el usuario puede escoger varios
telefontacomunicacionesFecha de respuesta 8 de mayo de 2024, 18:56
Me parece interesante esto ultimo que me indicas, pero si la persona va a escoger otro electrodomestico, como hace? no hay manera que apenas escoja el primero cuando termine de ingresar los datos, lo pueda guardar y luego ingrese otro electrodomestico?
telefontacomunicacionesFecha de respuesta 8 de mayo de 2024, 19:13
vuelves sobre lo mismo y no solucionas nada
Sonnyfer Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 8 de mayo de 2024, 22:21
Hi telefontacomunicaciones,
Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, the workaround provided by my colleague is for when your users only select one appliance per submission. If you want them to select more than 1 appliance, you may opt to use the Multiple Choice Field instead.
Keep in mind, however, that you'll have to create separate sets of conditions to show/hide the relevant next questions to the selected appliance. Also, I noticed you keep replying in Spanish. Would you like us to forward this thread to our Spanish agents for better communication?
After we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you more with this.
telefontacomunicacionesFecha de respuesta 9 de mayo de 2024, 13:22
si por favor en español, te agradezco mucho
telefontacomunicacionesFecha de respuesta 9 de mayo de 2024, 21:35
Nunca llegó la respuesta en español
Rene Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 9 de mayo de 2024, 23:39
Hi telefontacomunicaciones,
I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Please be informed that the ticket was already escalated by my colleague to the Spanish team. Rest assured that they'll get back to you as soon as they see the request. I also requested a follow-up on them.
Thanks for your patience, we appreciate it.
Catherine Support Team LeadFecha de respuesta 10 de mayo de 2024, 11:19
Hola telefontacomunicaciones,
Gracias por tu paciencia, la apreciamos. He revisado tu requerimiento y basado en lo que se busca alcanzar, te puedo sugerir utilizar una Lista configurable. Te explico como a continuación:
- En el Creador de Formularios, da clic en Agregar Elemento.
- Bajo la pestaña de Widgets, escoge Lista Configurable.
- Se debe configurar el widget de acorde a los campos que se necesite.
En tu caso estos son: Tipo de electrodoméstico (despegable con opciones), Marca o modelo (texto), Serial (texto), Estado (despegable con opciones), Detalle de la avería (área de texto):
Mira los resultados a continuación (la lista configurable les permite a los usuarios insertar más opciones dependiendo de cada caso):
Para más detalles, puedes revisar nuestra guía sobre Cómo ajustar el widget de Lista configurable.
Te comparto mi formulario demo, el cual ya tiene todos los campos requeridos para que puedas revisar la configuración detenidamente. Aquí tienes una guía sobre Cómo Clonar un Formulario Existente desde una URL.
Déjanos saber si tienes alguna otra pregunta.