escucharFecha de consulta 12 de junio de 2024, 8:40
Buenas tardes,
Me pongo en contacto con ustedes porque me gustaría saber si con el plan que tengo contratado existe un número de respuestas a un formulario.
Quiero crear un formulario que van a responder 5.300 personas.
Muchas gracias por su atención.
Quedo atenta a su respuesta
Neil Enterprise SupportFecha de respuesta 12 de junio de 2024, 8:49
Hi escuchar,
Our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.
Now, coming back to your question: Yes, the Silver Plan has a form submission limit. You can have up to 2,500 monthly form submissions. For the total submission storage, it will be 25,000. You can check out this page for more information about the limits of our paid plans. We also have a guide on Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits, so you can learn more about the usage limits of your account. By the way, if you're expecting 5,300 monthly submissions, I recommend upgrading to at least the Gold plan.
Reach out again if you have any other questions.
escucharFecha de respuesta 12 de junio de 2024, 8:54
Quiero asegurarme de que le he entendido bien.
¿Si yo envío un solo formulario podría recibir hasta 25.000 respuestas?
Quedo atenta a su respuesta
Muchas gracias de nuevo
Harshad_P Enterprise SupportFecha de respuesta 12 de junio de 2024, 9:08
Hi escuchar,
The 25,000 limit is for the total submission stored in your account. This is for all forms combined. You can delete submissions to increase this limit. However, when you receive the submission on the forms it is counted toward the monthly limit which is 2500 submissions. These are two different limits. Check out this guide to understand the usage and limits of your account.
Reach out to us if you need any more help.