Form Templates by MattNewson
KYC Form
Collect banking customer details and e-signatures with a free online KYC Form. Easy to customize, embed, and share. Store data securely. No coding required.
Go to Category:Banking FormsHotel Accommodation Form
This Hotel Receipt Form Template consists of fields that are asking for the customer information, receipt details, check in and check out, hotel services that were availed, total amount, and the payment method. The hotel service details show the room number, number of nights, price per night, and the amount. The Receipt Number field is the Unique ID widget. It automatically generates a unique value for every submission. The form also has multiple conditions that multiply the number of nights column to the price per night column.
Go to Category:Payment FormsZoom Webinar Registration Form
Add attendees to Zoom webinars automatically. Customize this free registration form for your webinars. Integrate with Zoom and 100+ apps. No coding required.
Go to Category:Registration FormsGym Health Questionnaire Form
A gym health questionnaire is a health form that is used by gym instructors to track the health and fitness of their clients.
Go to Category:Healthcare FormsHigh School Scholarship Application Form
A High School Scholarship Application Form is a form template designed to gather comprehensive information about an applicant's personal details, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, community service, awards, financial need, and references.
Go to Category:Education FormsStudent Job Fair Registration Form
A Student Job Fair Registration Form is a form template designed to streamline the process of organizing and managing job fairs for educational institutions, career services offices, and event organizers.
Go to Category:Education FormsInvoice Upload Form
An invoice upload form is used to accept invoice forms from your customers and allow them to upload files directly to your website.
Go to Category:Business FormsSimple Time Sheet Form
A simple timesheet form is a way to track employee hours and, usually, the work they performed during those hours. No coding!
Go to Category:Business FormsProperty Maintenance Request
A maintenance request form is used by property owners and managers to order repairs, maintenance, and upgrades for rental properties.
Go to Category:Services FormsMental Health Intake Form
Perform patient intake online. Collect medical history, supporting documents, and fee payments. Protect patient data with optional HIPAA compliance.
Go to Category:Healthcare FormsVendor Information Form
Verify the authenticity of your vendors or suppliers by using this Vendor Information Form. This form template is very straightforward, complete, and can be accessed easily.
Go to Category:Business FormsModel Release Agreement
A Model Release Agreement is a contract between a model and a business that gives permission for the model’s likeness to be used in marketing materials or for commercial purposes.
Go to Category:Photography FormsPatient Health Questionnaire
A Patient Health Questionnaire is a form template designed to gather essential information about a patient's personal details, medical history, presenting complaints, family medical history, lifestyle habits, and any additional information relevant to their health.
Go to Category:Healthcare FormsPresentation Feedback Form
A Presentation Feedback form is a form template designed to gather comprehensive feedback from audiences, helping presenters and organizers continually improve their presentations.
Go to Category:Feedback FormsPersonal Data Sheet
A Personal Data Sheet is a form template designed to collect details about a person from an organization.
Go to Category:Employee Information FormsCovid Contact Tracing Form Template
A COVID-19 contact tracing register is used by medical organizations to identify people who have come into contact with a person who is infected with COVID-19, to help prevent the disease from spreading.
Go to Category:Healthcare FormsOnline Shopping Form
An Online Shopping Form is a form template designed to facilitate the purchasing process for customers on e-commerce websites and online retailers.
Go to Category:Product Order FormsGDPR Photo Consent Form
A GDPR Photo Consent Form is like to any photo consent form that allows the consent for release of the images, but with assurance to compliance to European Union's General Data Protection Regulation which binds the recipient to the said regulation as to the provisions of lawful processing and conditions for consent.
Go to Category:Consent FormsTime Slot Booking Form
s a request form used by universities and colleges to manage and track student appointments and requests.
Go to Category:Booking FormsExpense Reimbursement Form With Calculations
An expense reimbursement form is used by businesses to track employee or contractor business expense reimbursements
Go to Category:Calculation FormsHandyman Service Request Form
With Handyman Service Request Form, clients can provide their contact information, describe their requests, and give detailed information about their requests.
Go to Category:Services FormsPetition For Cancellation Of NoiseNuisance Regulations Form
A Petition for Cancellation of Noise/Nuisance Regulations Form is a form template designed to formally request a review and potential repeal or modification of existing regulations that are perceived to be overly restrictive, ineffective, or burdensome in addressing noise or nuisance issues within a community.
Go to Category:Petition FormsTravel Agent Credit Card Authorization Form
A Travel Agent Credit Card Authorization Form is a form template designed to authorize travel agents to charge their clients' credit cards for various travel-related expenses such as airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals, and more.
Go to Category:Travel Booking FormsSimple Instructor Evaluation Form
An instructor evaluation form is a document that students use to rate and evaluate their teachers and professors.
Go to Category:Evaluation Forms