Form Templates by William_C

Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form

A Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form is a form template designed to collect consent from clients and inform them about the risks and limitations involved in professional counseling services

Go to Category:Healthcare Forms

Food Inventory Form

In order for your kitchen or restaurant management to be effective, you need to have a proper tracking of food inventory. Having a proper inventory of your ingredients helps maintain a buffer on the movement of your items, replenished in due time and thus reduces the risk that might affect the productivity or your business. This food inventory form template is a simple inventory form which you can use for submitting reports. The form contains predetermined items which is easy to modify and replace to your preference.

Go to Category:Report Forms

HIPAA Authorization Form

Get consent to release medical information according to HIPAA standards. Accept electronic signatures for free. Perfect for medical providers. No coding.

Go to Category:Healthcare Forms

School Photo Release Form

This School Photo Release Form is a quick acquisition of consent from parents for the release of photographs of a child for the school's use for purposes they may need.

Go to Category:Photography Forms

Sexual Consent Form

A Sexual Consent Form is an agreement between adults where they write down their terms and limitations in their intention to have sex. As a consensual agreement, the parties should necessarily be honest to each other because they are bound within the limits specified in the contract; hence, in cases of any form of fraud, misrepresentation, or deviation from what they have agreed upon, they are accountable for their actions. This Sexual Consent Form allows the couple to enter specific information in their agreement and list the exact permissions made by the consenting party and the period of effectivity of the agreement. It also ensures that a manifestation is made that they are safe and free from any sexually transmissible disease; a contrary to which would cause them liable to the other. This Sexual Consent Form is also easy to modify in case one needs to add more details.

Go to Category:Consent Forms

Microblading Consent Form Template

Accept your client reservations online using this Microblading Consent form. It helps you save time in accepting requests and lets your clients freely enter with ease their medical history.

Go to Category:Salon Forms

Mentor Mentee Matching Form

This Mentor Mentee Matching Form contains various questions that help identify the kind of person the mentee is in order to match with the mentor that will ensure that the mentee's goal for the program is achieved.

Go to Category:Education Forms

Recurring Credit Card Authorization Form

A recurring credit card authorization form is a consent that is given by the subscriber or credit card owner allowing the service provider such as utilities, subscriptions, etc., to make automatic deductions from an subscriber or customer's credit card account. Using this method of automated charging from the customer or subscriber's account it eliminates the hassle of a customer on falling in line or even by exerting effort in identifying his or her account number and knowing the amount to pay. This saves money and time from the person and utilizes it for other purpose. When a person would like to not get charged anymore, one just needs to contact the service provider to inform them to stop charging him or her under the card from which he or she provided to the service provider. This Recurring Credit Card Authorization form is a simple authorization process that uses Stripe as payment processor in making a credit card authorization. This helps allocate an amount for charging from the credit card holder's account periodically. Using this service, it helps both service provider as well as the customers be secure in the process of payments to the service provider. You can likewise change your preferred payment processor that is available in the payment widgets list found here in Jotform's form builder.

Go to Category:Banking Forms

Patient Photo Release Form

Go paperless and immediately store your consent to your records. Use this Patient Photo Release Form template and get your photo release consent from patients immediately!

Go to Category:Photography Forms

Child Medical Consent Form

Gather parent consent for your medical practice with a free Child Medical Consent Form. Fill out on any device. Collect e-signatures instantly. Sync with 100+ apps.

Go to Category:Medical Consent Forms

Daycare Photo Release Form

This Daycare Photo Release Form template is a simple, yet effective template for setting photo release agreements between parents and the daycare center. This Daycare Photo release Form Template lets daycare centers acquire immediate consent from parents in a paperless manner by allowing the receipt of consent online. Make use of this Daycare Photo Release Form template for your needs in your daycare center business.

Go to Category:Photography Forms

Child Traveling With Grandparent Consent Form

An authorization for a child to travel with grandparents form is a simple consent document that informs that the child is allowed to travel with his or her grandparents. This kind of consent form is not necessary, but nonetheless a smart thing to have in case parents would let their children travel with relatives other than them. A Child Traveling with Grandparent Consent form is very useful nowadays especially when taking children abroad due to increasing threat of human trafficking. Law enforcers in different countries might flag grandparents when they see children with them and where such people who do not appear to be the children's parents are around. This Child Traveling with Grandparent Consent Form is a flexible form that guides you through in entering the necessary information of the parents, child, grandparents, and the itinerary details of the travel by which the child will travel with the grandparent. This Child Traveling with Grandparent is easy to modify. Use this template and load it on Jotform's form builder, publish it and you're ready to go!

Go to Category:Consent Forms

Permanent Makeup Consent Form

Receive consent from your clients systematically using this Permanent Makeup Consent Form. This eliminate the time consuming process of meeting with your client just to acquire their consent or even save time from the tedious but necessary process of getting consent by letting them fill up this form in their convenience.

Go to Category:Makeup Forms

Photography Consent Form

A Photography Consent Form is a form acquiring the consent from the subject or owner of the image to release their images captured by the photographer.

Go to Category:Consent Forms

Video Release Form

A video release form is a consent agreement between parties where the individual, usually the actor, permits the use of the video for the producer or a third party for their own purpose. Normally, such release is for use for documentaries, media, news, or presentations. The common use of the agreement is for setting limitations to the use of the video which may be set for commercial or non-commercial purposes. This Video Release Form is a template which anyone can use for the purpose of releasing videos. As a legal agreement, this Video Release Form Template contains the essential requisites for the information received to be binding upon the parties, such as the name, address, contact information, the date of the agreement, as well as the time the agreement was signed.

Go to Category:Consent Forms

Corporate Catering Menu Order Form Template

Manage your corporate events catering services with the use of this free Corporate Catering Menu Order Form Template. This easy to use form lets your customers see the amount of their orders. This helps makes the order taking efficient both for the customer and the catering service provider. At the same time, it helps the order taking become accurate by letting the customer enter the field values that they want.

Go to Category:Catering Order Forms

School Lunch Order Form

This School Lunch Order Form allows the parent or guardian to choose the meals or dishes his or her child would have for a specific day. In allowing flexibility in the choices, your child may have two orders of juice, or fruit in a certain lunch day. You may simply copy this form to your account and modify its content to your liking under Jotform's Form Builder!

Go to Category:Order Forms

Summer Camp Consent Form

A Summer Camp Consent Form is a vital tool for summer camp organizers and staff to gather parental consent for various camp activities, ensuring the safety and well-being of camp attendees

Go to Category:Summer Camps

Dental Extraction Consent Form

This Dental Extraction Consent Form is an informed consent form that dentists can use in acquiring consent from their patient. This also helps as a guide to know what dentists should inform to patients and the implications of the procedure and/or its after effects. Use this form to ensure safety, proper knowledge shared to patients, and for better patient-doctor relationship.

Go to Category:Healthcare Forms

Farm Land Lease Form

This Farm Land Lease Form Template allows collection of information exactly for the purpose of creating a farm lease agreement between the land owner and the tenant. For land owners, there exist in the form to set the size of the land that is allowed for lease. This may allow the land owner to lease his property to different tenants at the same time with certain divisions.

Go to Category:Real Estate Forms

Background Check Authorization Form

A Background check authorization form is a document that requests the consent of the person to be investigated for purpose of acquisition and evaluation of his information for purpose of approval of an application.

Go to Category:Business Forms

Teen Summer Camp Application Form

Summer camp is a great way for kids and teenagers to make their vacation worthwhile. Parents enroll their children to summer camps to enjoy and learn things that are not given normally in schools. Summer Camps offer a variety of specialized programs that enriches your child's skills. It enables them to improve existing skills, making new friends, or pursue new interests. Summer camp for teens help in finding new opportunities and for building his character and profile, including leadership building through counseling programs. This Teen Summer Camp Application form is a quick application form categorized in different pages. The form collects the basic information, and medical information which the camp should be aware of. This Teen Summer Camp Application Form also contains an instant calculation for the chosen camps provided which will return a total sum of the different camps chosen for or by the applicant.

Go to Category:Summer Camps

Sports Summer Camp Application Form

Summer camps are great ways for children to learn and spend their summer. And the best way to spend it with is on learning a sport that they wish, in order to have fun and while they have full of dreams of the sport they desire. This Sports Summer Camp Application form good for Camps that offer various sports in their program. This Sports Summer Camp Application form is capable of accepting different types of sport applications such as Tennis, Taekwondo, Basketball, Volleyball, Chess, and Swimming, which also enables the applicants to choose their preferred schedule in their submission. Using this method, the applicants can properly think and review their preferences before making their submission, reducing the time spent by the camp organizers in attending to their applicants. As an online form, it also helps save the environment by reducing the use of paper.

Go to Category:Summer Camps

Client Photo Release Form

A Client Photo Release Form is a form template designed to protect the rights of both clients and entities using their photos for promotional, educational, or informational purposes.

Go to Category:Photography Forms