Form Templates by idarktech

Contact Form With Fancy Header And Footer

A basic contact form which allows collecting name, email, contact number, website and an area for users to add their messages designed with a fancy header and footer style.

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Contact Form With Google Map

Do you need a simple contact form? This contact form with map template that tells an accurate reference of the location of your company on the map. It is a quick and easy to use form that includes name, email, message fields.

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Free Police Incident Report Template

The Police Incident Report Form allows citizens to report a non-urgent incident or matter providing the information of date, time, location and any further details of the issue.

Go to Category:Incident Report Forms

Product Survey Form

A product feedback form is a good way to gauge how well (or bad) you're doing as a company. With this product survey form sample, a variety of commonly asked questions are readily available for you to use. This product survey form will ask your respondents how long they have been using your products/services, their impression on how you compete with other competitors, their satisfaction about the products/services you offer and a couple more that's related to the overall experience they had.

Go to Category:Product Surveys

PayPal Purchase Order Form

Sell your products using this online form and get payments via PayPal. Basic and easy to use. Or create your own PayPal order form in a couple of minutes!

Go to Category:E-commerce Forms

Modern Contact Form

A modern contact form is used for many purposes, including collecting customer information, booking appointments, submitting applications, and placing order requests.

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Responsive Wordpress Sidebar Contact Form

Professional looking contact form for Wordpress sidebar or any platforms. The form width automatically shrink depending on the container width where you embed the form.

Go to Category:Web Design Forms

Serial Number Generator

A Serial Number Generator is a form template designed to generate unique serial numbers for various purposes, such as software license keys, security codes, and unique IDs

Go to Category:Calculation Forms

Contact Form With Vanilla Theme

A very simple White and clear contact form, very simple and easy to use. Embed Now! 

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Game Contact Form

A game contact form is a survey used by gaming companies to get customer opinions and information

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Employee Complaint Form

An employee complaint form is used to document a complaint from an employee against another employee, senior manager, or supervisor.

Go to Category:Human Resources Forms

Send Your Files Form

Get files from your friends, colleagues or your customers easily using this form.

Go to Category:File Upload Forms

Online Complaint Form

Are you searching around the web for complaint form template html codes in order to create an online for that is simple, effective and easy to fill out? Well, you can find all that qualities in this complaint form template. This complaint form template includes details of the complaint and the complainant. If this form template meets your expectation, then just use this complaint form template and even manage it as you wish.

Go to Category:Feedback Forms

Rate My Website Form

Get feedback's from your website customers easily using this Rate My Website Form.

Go to Category:Web Design Forms

Life Insurance Quote Form

Use this life insurance quote sheet template for your life insurance program and get a quote quickly from your clients. You can collect personal information for example name, address, number, email, birth date, life plan, height, weight, health issues by using this insurance quote form template. This life insurance quote form allows asking some questions such as "Total life insurance on you right now?", "Are you planning on canceling any existing life insurance?". In addition, your clients can add additional comments and questions by using this insurance quote form.

Go to Category:Insurance Forms

Contact Form With Light Blue Theme

Light blue theme contact form. Allows for collecting user information

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Contact Form With Red Envelope Theme 2

Simple, yet practical, courier envelope theme form! Allows for collecting basic user information

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Purple Contact Form

Form allows for the collection of basic information of users. Neat and beautiful with purple colors.

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Client Survey Form

The client is an integral part of any business. It is very important for any company to get feedback from the client about the service and this can be done with the help of this very easy to use client feedback form.

Go to Category:Feedback Forms

Contact Form With Round Corners

Apple and android inspired contact form with round shady corners that is perfect for any websites.

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Contact Form With Orange Envelope Theme

Simple and clean contact form. Allows for the collection of basic user information.Grab it now!

Go to Category:Contact Forms

Online Foundation Donation Form

An online foundation donation form is a convenient way for a charity to collect money from a variety of donors.

Go to Category:Charity Forms

Web Development Progress Report Form

Do you want to follow the progress of your web developers? Use this website development progress report sample to tet work progress reports easily from your web developers. Web development report includes personal information, started date, target date, and progress of work.

Go to Category:IT Forms